"Payroll" from AMERICAN PIMP calls ICE T a Fake Pimp!! LMAO

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Payroll the pimp from the classic documentary "American Pimp" decides to give Ice-T and Coco a piece of his ....... mind :/
Damn mane, this dude lays down the game like Kareem in the lane. Spitting that junk like a monk in the trunk. THIS IS WHY I AM NOT A PIMP!! My pimp talk needs some work.


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Not all of Tigers Ho's are ugly... Jaimee Grubbs still is though.

Jack Stephan Filed Under: reported that nearby Club 23 even has a private section known as "The Tiger Room" because Woods spent so many nights there.

Reports of Woods' close-to-home dalliances come amid reports Sunday that he also hooked up with an Orlando waitress, Mindy Lawton, in a church parking lot and even his home while his then-pregnant wife was out of town.

She told London's News of the World that he "wanted to spank me and loved pulling my hair as we had sex."

Other reports linked Woods to 36-year-old blond porn star Holly Sampson. Britain's Daily Mail reported that the Los Angeles hottie - star of such recent adult films as "OMG, Stop Tickling Me" and "Flying Solo 2" - is "not denying she bedded Tiger."

"She has no comment on the matter," Sampson's Denver-based lawyer Andrew Contiguglia told The News.

If true, Sampson would be lucky No. 7 on the list of purported Woods' bedmates, which includes hot-bodied blonds and brunettes with an average age of 30.

read more!!


I bet Tiger released the names of all these bitches to make up for the first 2. Jaimme Grubbs looks like absolute shit, while that Uchitel broad looks like she was in 9-11 with that face not her dude. Ouch.

But now we find out about the hot hooters chick and the blonde porn star....
So Tiger I would personally like to say, GREAT RECOVERY!!" You were landed in the rough, hit a fade into the bunker and were still able to make par.... YOU DA MAN!!!


- young

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Model wife attacks Tiger!! Pulls a reverse Chris Brown!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[TMZ] Tiger Woods did not suffer facial lacerations from a car accident. They were inflicted by his wife, Elin Nordegren -- according to a conversation Woods had Friday after the accident.

Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol -- that should happen this afternoon. But we're told Tiger had a conversation Friday -- with a non-law enforcement type -- detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

We're also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.


Tiger Woods got SLAPPED? If I had a dollar for every time a model slapped me, I would have 3 dollars and 50 cents...(one girl was just tall). Looks like you did the right thing though Tiger, if you would have come anywhere near this broads grill she would have had you on Larry King looking like Michael Vick.


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Sosa: Cream has bleached skin. Dudes ashamed to be BLACK?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[] ORLANDO -- Sammy Sosa says he is not trying to look like the late Michael Jackson, nor is he suffering from a skin infection. "It's a bleaching cream that I apply before going to bed and whitens my skin some," said the former slugger during the "Primer Impacto" program at the Univision Spanish network. "It's a cream that I have, that I use to soften [my skin], but has bleached me some. I'm not a racist, I live my life happily," said a smiling Sosa during the interview.

Rebecca Polihronis, a former Chicago Cubs employee who keeps in touch with Sosa, said in a Chicago Tribune interview that Sosa had undergone a skin rejuvenation treatment, something very common among women.

"What happened was that I had been using the cream for a long time and that, combined with the bright TV lights, made my face look whiter than it really is. I don't think I look like Michael Jackson," Sosa said.


WHY WHY WHY?! And to throw an MJ under the skin cream bus? That's just wrong homie, and seriously what kind of dude is so obsessed with his appearance that he would bleach it every night before bed? I mean duh, everyone knows that you are supposed to exfoliate before bed, then apply an avocado and chocolate mud mask and fresh cucumber slices to your eye lids...... and then apply the bleach!! What a moron. But from the looks of it, "skin cream has been berrrrry berrrrrry good" to you Sammy!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

First she tells Perez Hilton that he's a disgusting, embarrassing nub of a homosexual [I may have added a few words in there], then she gets all religious right and tries to denounce pornography (which I personally take offense to). Now Carrie Prejean has a sextape where she is allegedly Banging Herself?! There are a bunch of women out there who run their mouths i.e. Elizabeth Hasslebeck, Anne Coultier, my ex-girlfriend.... and I would never want to see a sextape of them..NEVER!!! BUT THIS ONE I HAVE TO SEE!! This broad is not only a hot blonde with a nice pair of "bolt-ons" but she is also an idiot.... what more can a man want?

- young

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From the 'Other Woman'... to the 'Other Other Woman'

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Eddie Cibrian is not only a cheater (allegedly) but apparently he is also an idiot as well. This asshole left his wife and kids for Leann Rhimes aka Mediocredotcom, and is now cheating on the chick he was caught cheating with.......... with his ex!! According to Life & Style Eddie has been seen sneaking in and out of ex-girlfriends Scheana Maria Jancan.

Leann can't say shit but of course as soon as she hears this shit she is gonna flip! Sounds a little something like this..."How dare you break our sacred oath.... um wait, that was the oath you broke with your wife....... well you know what I mean dickhead!!!"

Maybe he just likes wack p*ssy?

*Plies - "BECKY" its a song look it up and then read this post again.

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Malibu Burglary Bunch NABBED!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

These kids are wild. Rachel Lee, Diana Tamayo, Courtney Ames and Alexis Neirs have joined Nick Prugo in being charged with a string of celebrity burglaries. Having already hit the homes of Lindsay "I can't feel my face" Lohan, Audrina "Look at these bolt-ons" Patridge and a slew of others, the group is now being linked to the heist at Orlando Bloom crib. According to TMZ, Nick's laptop contains research material such as pictures of stolen items from google and even a map detailing the location of homes hit.

I can only shake my head and offer a bit of advice: Just because it's ok for all of you young'ns to be up in the club, doing lines and chilling with suedo celebs, doesn't mean its cool to then ROB THEM!! There is one question I have for all of you though..... How much CHIRP did Lindsey have in her safe? If I was a betting man I would say at least an 8ball.

- young

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Blake Lively and I are secretly married. Shhhh don't tell her!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I admit that is a lie. Kind of..... by "married" I meant: having relations, and by "secretely" I meant: in my mind. In all seriousness though, this broad always kills the red carpet.... ALWAYS!! That Penn Bagle-y dude needs to hurry up and come out of the closet so that your boy YoungKing can take a run at that. REAL TALK.
Even with the obvious spray-tan blotches on her breast region ;) Not that I was looking or anything. giggidy

Here is Blake @ Gabrielle's Angel Foundation Angel Ball. WHOA!! Who the fuck is Gabrielle and why did I not get an invitation?! Heads will roll...... TRUST!!

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Singer/Songwriter Tiffany Evans went on TWITTER yesterday to express her thoughts on Rihanna's new single and the REAL music industry. EXPLOSIVE STUFF!!

@TiffanyEvans wrote:

Russian Roulette = Suicidal Rate gon sky rocket!
You gotta watch what u say. Because there are a lot of weak people in the world. They are susceptible to anything so anything you say or do some people actually do listen. So make sure its nothing bad. Its okay to be deep,but not murder deep.

Man! I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship satan,and those who have killed to get the respect they have now. You’d be verrrry surprise. Some of your favorite people pretend to worship God but they only do that to save face. Or seem innocent.

Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses influential people…to help influence the world. Think about that. Once u make a certain amount of money. Just know that that’s when they ask u to join. To get in you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join they assist u with ur career.make u huge.only if u agree and obey to destroy Gods word.and his children.

Ppl listen and pay attention. Its a war going on right now between Good and Evil. Evil will rule this world for a min. The people that have this power are the people that RULE the whole world. I’m done I won’t say anymore before I get in trouble.....


Like I have stated in previous post..... NWO is trying to take over and artist like Jay-Z, Kayne and even Beyonce are actively taking part in the brainwashing of our youth. Sad but True!! The jams are dope but the message is where the problem lies. Notice how as soon as Chris Brown kicked this chick ass, she completely transformed? The occult is m*therf*cker.

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Kanye is NOT Dead! Amber Rose IS pissed!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

It seems what some twitter followers thought was a funny joke, is not funny at all to Kayne's GF Amber Rose. Taking her beef directly to twitter Amber wrote: "This RIP KanyeWest topic is not funny and its NOT TRUE! He has people like myself and his family that love him very much. Its in extreme poor taste to have that as a trending topic. It's totally disrespectful to make up a story like this...I'll always ride for my man!!!! I'm bout to get off here and still RIDE for him. LITERALLY."

You tell'em Amber!! Everyone knows that Kanye can't die.... I mean not until Ms. Rose finds another ego maniac to hitch her fame wagon (aka big sexy booty) to.

I need to release an album quick!!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:!

- young

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Cheerleader is disabled for life by FLU SHOT! WTF!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

No satire here. Horrible story. It's time to start looking into what we allow others to control.

-young :(

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F you Falcon!! I'm rolling with these BALLOONS!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Here are pics from Miranda Kerr's recent photoshoot.

Big Brother: "Hey Falcon, Dad said that he would never whoop us again if you came home alive!"

Falcon: "For reals? Did you tell him about the balloon?"

Big Brother: "Um, I am pretty sure he knows all about the balloon."


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DAMN!! John McCain's daughter has BIG..... features!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

From Meghan McCain's Twitter:

"When I am alone in my apartment, I wear tank tops and sweat pants, I had no idea this makes me a `slut'," she said on Twitter.

"I can't even tell you how hurt I am.

"This is why I have been considering deleting my Twitter account, what once was fun now just seems like a vessel for harassment," she said.

"I do want to apologise to anyone that was offended by my Twitpic," McCain said.

"I have clearly made a huge mistake and am sorry 2 those that are offended."

In a "tweet" on Thursday, she said she wanted to "thank my family and friends for their support. This has been an embarrassing experience but also a learning one.

"I will not be deleting my Twitter account," she added, "but I will be more careful in the future about my use with the medium."

Blahblahblahblah........ All I hear is Giggidy Giggidy Goo!!!



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Colorado boy floats away in flying saucer!! WTF!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

UPDATE!!: That silly goose! Falcon has been found in a box......AT HOME!! "Oh you crazy kids!"

The boy's family had been building the experimental aircraft at their home on Fossil Ridge Road in Fort Collins, CNN affiliate KUSA reported.

The family has described the structure as a a dome-shaped "homemade flying saucer," Larimer County Sheriff's Office Spokeswoman Kathy Davis said.

"We're trying to determine the best course of action," Davis said. "This is a first and we'll do what we need to do."

UPDATE: You can watch LIVE on KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles.

UPDATE: Dad and Mom are storm chasers and scientist........ and IDIOTS.

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USC FAN shows his/her true colors....... Pure Hate!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Charlie Weis keeps a hat in his office that is emblazoned with the words, "USC owns Notre Dame."

A Trojans fan mailed him the hat a few years ago, along with a letter containing disparaging remarks about his daughter, Hannah, who has autism. Weis won't divulge what the letter writer said, but he keeps the hat as a reminder.

"When we've won a game (against USC), that cap won't be around anymore," Weis said.


Hey SC fan... take out the hands free ear piece for a second and listen up. Just because your Dad used to used to buy hookers and blow with the Dean of Admissions while your Mexican nanny fed you tortillas and hot dogs because your drunk Mom* was going down on the pool boy, doesn't give you the right to be a Dick!

I would hate to see the shit you sent Ty. See you saturday. Go Irish


*White Zinfindel

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Captain Lou Albano dies at 76

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Legendary wrestling figure Captain Lou Albano, perhaps best known for his association with pop singer Cyndi Lauper, died Wednesday, according to World Wrestling Entertainment. Albano, who was with the WWE from 1983 to 1996, was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996. Albano was recognizable by his penchant for unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts and a trademark beard, which was usually bound by a rubber band.

As his celebrity status grew, Albano landed acting jobs, including a role on several episodes of the "Miami Vice" TV series, the biography said.

Albano became a cartoon in 1989, when he was the voice of Mario "Jumpman" Mario for 17 episodes of "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" according to the Internet Movie Database.

Too many memories of this homeless looking star of my childhood. Tell Andre the Giant and Iron Sheik to get ready for a 3 man tag-team match vs. Hulk Hogan, Rowdy Rowdy Piper and Jake the Snake. What those last three are still alive?! Could have fooled me.

- young

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Birdman is an interesting, tattooed faced millioniare.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

What do you say to this?! Did Birdman really get that Amsterdam n*ggas number?! LOL Just kidding, don't have me killed Birdman. He isn't lying when he says he's "stuntin'" though. GEEZ.

- young

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What the NERD?!!! These Sci-Fi girls are smoking hot!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Well what do we have here? While I have been busy trying to have telepathic virtual brain sex with AnnaLynne McCord via tivo'd episodes of 90210, those sneaky bastards at Sci-Fi Channel are airing a show with these two animals! Honestly, they both need to probably eat a cheeseburger, and the blonde one looks a tad MILF-like, but other than that I totally would devote a whole "nerd hour" to Battlestar Galactica.

On second thought I doubt I would watch a wack ass show like Battlestar Galactica..... but the girls are cute. Now if you would excuse me I need to get back to season 3 of Martin. "You soooo CRAZY!!"

- young

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Singer Leona Lewis gets punched in the face.... By a DUDE!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:


LONDON, England (CNN) -- British singer Leona Lewis was "understandably shaken" after a man attacked her during a book signing in central London Wednesday afternoon, a spokeswoman for her record label said.

A 29-year-old man was arrested after he punched Lewis at the Waterstones bookstore in Piccadilly Circus at 4:36 p.m. (10:36 a.m. ET), according to a Scotland Yard statement.

She was signing copies of her new autobiography "Dreams" when the "unprovoked attack" happened, said Sarah Weinstein Dennison of the RCA Music Group.......Read More

I didn't hear her last album but it couldn't have been that bad, right? Maybe he hit her because he liked her.... like in elementary school. Or maybe he has a problem with extremely hot chicks who look at him funny because he's 29 and wears Micky Mouse t-shirts and still lives with Mummy and Daddy and drinks warm beer, loves watching Guy Ritchie movies while snacking on crumpets and sips tea twice a day?

Bob's your Uncle!!


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YES!! Black Dynamite Trailer

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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WACK ALERT!! Tara Reid in Playboy.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Not that anybody gives a shit, but Tara "are you gonna finish that drink" Reid is now apparently going to pose nude for playboy. Obviously it is time to call Dr. Jack Kavorkian cuz my boy Hef has lost his fucking mind!! What ever happened to putting hot chicks in playboy? Hef preys on every tragic broad in the industry with the promise of a career revival. What? Was Octo-Mom busy....... is Kate Gosselin too classy?! Can't wait for the Amy Wino issue [puking in my own mouth]!!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Drawing elements from the original film, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans features a crooked cop (Nicolas Cage) who is a drug addict and takes sexual favors as bribes.

The main character is Terrence McDonagh, a New Orleans Police sergeant, who starts out as a good cop, receiving a medal and a promotion to lieutenant for heroism during Hurricane Katrina. During his heroic act, McDonagh injures his back and later becomes addicted to prescription pain medication. McDonagh struggles with addictions and finds himself involved with drug dealer Big Fate, who is suspected of murdering a family of African immigrants.

Check out Katie "Coco" Chonacas in a cameo!

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Hef's new crop of ho's!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Check out Hef's new live-in hookers. Once you get past the fact that he can't please you sexually in any way, he's really a great boyfriend. He owns a big house, nice cars, tons of money and his own magazine.... what else can a young lady with an IQ of 3 want in life. Just be home by 9 pm or else your ass is gonna be left in Vegas posing for pics at Wet Republic like his ex-slave Holly.

Wait, lemme guess..... you want to be an actress?! By actress you mean the property of a Saudi Prince by 2012 right?

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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From 'Damaged' to Desperate - The rise and fall of a sad sad broad

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Here are a few pics that Aubry O'Day posted on her Twitter for fans [ and/or me].

Ok I get it. Trust me sexy ladies, I get it. I watch enough internet porn to know that a scantily clad 20 something, is .... well, SEX..... BUT LORD HAVE MERCY. At what point can we just say that Aubry O'Day [of Diddy's penis fame] is just a sad little whore?

I mean dont get me wrong. There is a small possibility that I will retract this statement. You know, like when I build a time machine and go back to Making the Band Season 4 (?) when she didn't have fucked up lips.

- young

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50 Cent rushed to hospital!! WOW!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Comedy. Poor Joe. Has he gone gold on his last album? hmmmmm.


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"What's that? You want me to stalk you?"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

AnnaLynne McCord is hot! That look on her face makes me want to earn millions and buy a jet. Then I will accidentaly bump into her at fashion week and nonchalantly offer to fly her to Paris where we would sit at cafe near Lu mur des je t'aime and dine on crepes while we engage in deep political conversation.......Or a one night stand would work too? Giggiddy


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Ja Rule is a sad little man. DMX was, and I mean WAS, cool.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

After nearly a decade of going at one another on diss records, Ja Rule has revealed that his on-going rap feud with DMX was officially settled at VH1's Hip Hop Honors ceremony last night (September 23). The news was released via Ja Rule's Twitter account:

"Hip hop honors was a historic night despite the little mishap wit my sound," Rule wrote via Twitter Thursday. "and NO nobody walked out on my set me & x made up good night!!!" - Ja

Twitter strikes again!! But this time in a washed up, irrelevant, embarrassing, 1996 kind of way. Ja Rule?! Really?! Am I really reporting on Ja Rule? That's like telling people about the cute thing your kitty did last night. NO ONE CARES!!

I miss TUPAC

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Former NFL running back Hershel Walker reMIXED.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

NEW YORK - Herschel Walker is starting a new career in mixed martial arts.

The 47-year-old former NFL running back and Heisman trophy winner said Monday that he has signed a multi-fight contract with promoter Strikeforce. Walker will begin a 12-week training camp next month in San Jose, Calif.



If I recall correctly this dude was still in the league about 4/5 years ago?. This man retired at 58, so I'm sure we are about to witness a 63 year old get murdered for sport. SIKE!!
Hershel Walker is a beast and (lord willing) will attack MMA like he attacked the line of scrimmage in Foosball.

note: Did you get that header? Ya know like, re-mixed..... like mixed martial arts. MMA.... get it?
Hello? [crickets]


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Ok so I know I'm going to hell for this but f*ck it [NWO is taking over anyway]..... BRITNEY SPEARS IS DISGUSTING!!!

Not as a person though, no, as a person she is CRAZY, but I mean more DISGUSTING as a pop star.

While helping a friend move a couch earlier today it dawned on me. My friend was recalling his own True Hollywood Story and stated: "Dude I could have totally had THAT on my birthday 3 years ago". Now in most cases when someone references a 'near miss sexual encounter' with a celeb I would be 100% into it, but not this time. My overall response was more along the lines of, "eh". Oh how the mighty have fallen. I remember being in a 1 bedroom apartment in Costa Mesa* watching the 'baby baby' video and thinking horrible horrible horrible thoughts about this young woman......... and now? EH?!

Oh well, there is always Haley Joel Osmet's little sister.

[* Costa Mesa house was the sickest place in the history of the world!! Todd: "Is that a bar of soap in the Jacuzzi?"]


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I have no words for this thing. Well, ok maybe I might have gone home with a beast similar to this one a few years back in Newport but I remember her claws being much shorter. And I'm pretty sure she had hair, and boobs, but then again I was at the Little Knight so it could have been anything.


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SAVE H2O.... Drink your shower water. YIKES!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Eco-thinkers have come up with an amazing new way to create drinking water - by putting plants in the bottom of a shower.
Designers Jun Yasumoto, Vincent Vandenbrouk, Olivier Pigasse, and Alban Le Henry came up with the concept when looking for new ways to recycle precious H2O.
After you have washed in the special eco-shower the water passes down into a series of physical filters and is treated by plants such as reeds and rushes growing around your feet.

Read more: HERE

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"Radio Killa" is C Milli's BABY DADDY!! Beat me to it!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Word is just in! Christina Milian is pregnant with R&B hit maker The Dream's baby!! Congratulations to the new family. Big-up to Dream who not only gets a baby with a sexy piece off ass [see Bring it On], but he also gets to watch his ex have a kid with a goblin. Singer Nivea is about to pop out Lil' Wayne's devil child at any minute.


- young

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David Rockefeller and World Bank are behind the SWINE FLU!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology "trust" are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the "Partnership for New York City" (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic's creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions.

"David Rockefeller's trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global genocide," Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors.

If you are surprised by this FACT, its ok... you are supposed to be in the dark.
In case you haven't noticed.... NO ONE IS REPORTING ON THIS!! Why?? Because the entire media is owned be the people responsible for the assualts on the U.S. and world population. I can go on and on but I am sure you would rather google Megan Fox, or read about how Kanye "hates white people"...ya know , important stuff.

Do your homework people, you are being lied to!!!


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Taylor Momsen obviously has no parents!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

"Taylor, all the things that they say are totally untrue! I mean , oooh that burns, I mean..... well you know what I mean, take your bump quick so we can get another drink."
"Friends for ever!".

Scary but true

- young

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Obama calls Kanyeezy a "jackass". WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

President Obama was being interviewed for CNBC earlier today when he labeled West a “jackass” for crashing the stage as country singer Taylor Swift was receiving an award for Best Female Video.

President Obama made the “jackass” comment about West during an off the record portion of an interview.

"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential," ABC's Terry Moran Tweeted before deleting the comment.

ABC issued a statement apologizing for Moran’s Tweet.

“ABC In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview,” ABC said in a statement. “This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again.”


Twitter strikes again!! Classic......Someone's ass is gonna get fired!!

- young

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Marisa Miller is secretly in love with me.......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Marisa Miller in NYC this weekend looking like a sexy animal. I'll give that face another 6 months before it starts cracking.... sad but true. And what's up with the kid in the back....... nice Crocs nerd!!

- young

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Pink goes in on Embarrassing Kanye.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Pink is not a girl you wanna mess with homie..... ask Carey Hart. I love how this guy is being rewarded for spazzing out, every one knows that it wasn't about Beyonce. Not a good look, but not surprising.

- young

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I'm not sure who you are, but your 2 friends need to be FAMOUS!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

So I guess her name is Kelly Brook, she is british, and............... ok so thats as far as I got. I tried to IMDB her but got side-tracked Googling 'Kelly Brook in a bikini'. Oh well, she is fantastic at whatever the hell she does.

I did notice that there are pics of her with a near bald Billy Zane? If thats her dude then he is the luckiest dork since Brian Austin Green!!

- young

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WTF.... Racist soda sold in Target??

Jack Stephan Filed Under:


And you want me to believe that racism is dying out. News Flash, this shit is happening all over the country. SAD.

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

UPDATE!!! [TMZ]: Joe tells us he was hanging out with the General Manager for Guys and Dolls when Jayde Nicole pushed him from behind and poured a drink on him.
Joe says he turned around and pulled her hair in reaction to the attack. Francis says this is the only contact he made with Jayde or Brody the entire time ... and security footage from inside the club shows exactly this.
Joe says Brody had punched him and ripped his shirt off. He says the club's GM then escorted him outside to the parking lot and he lit up a cigarette.
Joe says the next thing he knew, he was on the ground. He was later told Brody had blindsided him.
That's when Francis says the club's security tasered Brody.


TMZ REPORTS: Jenner just spoke with us by phone. According to Jenner, he and his girlfriend, Jayde Nicole, were at the club celebrating his birthday, when Jayde saw Francis hitting on an ex-girlfriend of his (Francis'), Jenner says "unrelentingly." Jayde felt he was harassing the woman -- whom Jayde and Brody know -- and she threw a drink on Francis.

Jenner says Francis then pulled Jayde's hair, punched her in the face and threw her to the ground and began kicking her. Security broke it up and Francis got dragged away -- Brody followed.

Jenner says he started yelling at Francis and both men were ejected from the club.

Outside the club, Jenner says he tried to get back in to see Jayde but security wouldn't let him. Jenner then saw Joe, punched him in the face, and then someone tased him and he fell to the ground.

Francis left the scene (shown below). The cops -- who say a call came in at 2:46 AM for battery -- came but no one was arrested.

Read More!!


Dude I know that she poured a drink on you (which is bullshit and not cool) but guy, control your yourself!! You are sooooo fucked right now. I see more anal in your future.

- young

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YKTV Boxing: Roy Jones Jr. VS Jeff Lacy

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Wolfman trailer starring Benicio Del Toro

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- young

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Douche murderer takes the easy way out. SO LAME.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
LOS ANGELES -- Ryan Jenkins, the man wanted for the murder of a former bikini model, was found dead, according to Canadian authorities.

The body of Ryan Jenkins, who was accused of murdering Jasmine Fiore, mutilating her body and stuffing it in a suitcase, was found dead by Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sunday.

Sgt. Duncan Pound of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police says it's believed that 32 year old Ryan Jenkins took his own life in the hotel room in Hope, British Columbia where his body was found.

Jenkins reportedly appears to have hung himself.

Jenkins' body was discovered by hotel staff who alerted the RCMP. Investigators positively confirmed the body to be Jenkins', Canadian police announced Sunday evening....Read On!!


This whole situation sucks. All the pics of them before he killed her looked mellow, I don't understand any of it. This clown got off easy and doesn't deserve the keystrokes...... psycho.

- young

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And you thought your Mom was crazy?! OCTOMOM is off the chain!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Yo Check this shit out!!
[] Nadya Suleman's two-hour documentary Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage aired on FOX last night and showed the day-to-day life our of nation's very own psychotic incubator. While the show was rife with reasons why Nadya shouldn't be allowed to parent anything more aware than a potato, she also took time to fire off criticisms of TV mom Kate Gosselin, according to Celebuzz:

Clucking at the pictures of Gosselin parading around in a bikini on the beach from earlier this year, Suleman opined, "It's so staged. She's doing it to get people to take pictures of her... I feel like it's cheating [to get a tummy-tuck]. It's her choice. If she has enough money to fix herself, let her."
Then Suleman tossed out another dis, declaring, "I have a better shape, though. I'm sorry, no offense to her.".....

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