Kanye is NOT Dead! Amber Rose IS pissed!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

It seems what some twitter followers thought was a funny joke, is not funny at all to Kayne's GF Amber Rose. Taking her beef directly to twitter Amber wrote: "This RIP KanyeWest topic is not funny and its NOT TRUE! He has people like myself and his family that love him very much. Its in extreme poor taste to have that as a trending topic. It's totally disrespectful to make up a story like this...I'll always ride for my man!!!! I'm bout to get off here and still RIDE for him. LITERALLY."

You tell'em Amber!! Everyone knows that Kanye can't die.... I mean not until Ms. Rose finds another ego maniac to hitch her fame wagon (aka big sexy booty) to.

I need to release an album quick!!


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