Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Ok so I know I'm going to hell for this but f*ck it [NWO is taking over anyway]..... BRITNEY SPEARS IS DISGUSTING!!!

Not as a person though, no, as a person she is CRAZY, but I mean more DISGUSTING as a pop star.

While helping a friend move a couch earlier today it dawned on me. My friend was recalling his own True Hollywood Story and stated: "Dude I could have totally had THAT on my birthday 3 years ago". Now in most cases when someone references a 'near miss sexual encounter' with a celeb I would be 100% into it, but not this time. My overall response was more along the lines of, "eh". Oh how the mighty have fallen. I remember being in a 1 bedroom apartment in Costa Mesa* watching the 'baby baby' video and thinking horrible horrible horrible thoughts about this young woman......... and now? EH?!

Oh well, there is always Haley Joel Osmet's little sister.

[* Costa Mesa house was the sickest place in the history of the world!! Todd: "Is that a bar of soap in the Jacuzzi?"]


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