USC FAN shows his/her true colors....... Pure Hate!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Charlie Weis keeps a hat in his office that is emblazoned with the words, "USC owns Notre Dame."

A Trojans fan mailed him the hat a few years ago, along with a letter containing disparaging remarks about his daughter, Hannah, who has autism. Weis won't divulge what the letter writer said, but he keeps the hat as a reminder.

"When we've won a game (against USC), that cap won't be around anymore," Weis said.


Hey SC fan... take out the hands free ear piece for a second and listen up. Just because your Dad used to used to buy hookers and blow with the Dean of Admissions while your Mexican nanny fed you tortillas and hot dogs because your drunk Mom* was going down on the pool boy, doesn't give you the right to be a Dick!

I would hate to see the shit you sent Ty. See you saturday. Go Irish


*White Zinfindel

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