Vicente Fox is down for the GANJA!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has joined three other ex-leaders of Latin American nations calling for the decriminalization of marijuana.

Fox, who was Mexico's president from 2000 to 2006, said the current policy is clearly not working.

"I believe it's time to open the debate over legalizing drugs," he told CNN on Tuesday. "It must be done in conjunction with the United States, but it is time to open the debate."

He pointed to how the end of Prohibition in the United States in 1933 lessened organized crime violence.

"It can't be that the only way is for the state to use force," he said.

I was going to write something clever but I totally forgot?! um............oh yeah, V. Fox is the man for finally saying what everybody else in the world has been saying for years. If booze is legal then there really shouldn't be any reason that something as harmless as weed should be considered illegal. And trust me, alcohol is way more of a "gateway" drug then some MaryJane and even if it does lead to other things, those other things are usually Cheetos, Ho-Ho's and Sour Patch Kids...... at least for me anyway ;)

- young

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