BREAKING NEWS!! T.I.'s protege Alfamega is really a Government Informant !!
Jack Stephan Filed Under:
MAY 5--Billed as the protégé of rapper/gun enthusiast T.I., Cedric "Alfamega" Zellars is a convicted felon whose songs brag about his status as an "original gangster" and contain de rigeur references to police tape, automatic weapons, and murder. Zellars, who records for T.I.'s Grand Hustle Entertainment, is a hulking 6' 4", calls himself "The Grand Hustle Muscle," and proclaims, "I'm a real hood." What he does not mention, though, is his prior work as a Drug Enforcement Administration informant who snitched out criminal cohorts and testified as a government witness at the trial of an Atlanta heroin trafficker... Read Here [thesmokinggun]
I guess 50 Cent was right when he questioned the unheard of 1 year sentence that T.I. received after attempting to purchase AK-47's with silencers. All these dudes are the POLICE..... first Rick Ross and now this clown, they both need to be shot for pushing this mentality and image to kids while working for the pigs..... EMBARRASSING!!
- young