Director makes Zombie movie on $70 budget... and kills it @ CANNES!!!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] A budding British director is enjoying success on a shoestring at Cannes with "Colin," a new zombie feature that cost a scarcely believable $70 to make.

"Colin" director Marc Price who spent 18 months making the film, working nights at a private car hire firm.
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Japanese distributors are currently in negotiations for the rights to the film and buzz around the no-budget zombie chiller has attracted interest from some major American distributors -- all of which is a very nice surprise for the team behind "Colin."

"We were almost fainting at the list of people who were coming [to the final market screening of the film]," said Helen Grace of Left Films who is helping the film's director Marc Price publicize the film in Cannes. "Representatives from major American distributors -- some of the Hollywood studios."

"When we say it's a low budget film, people presume a couple of hundred thousand [dollars]. People can't figure out how it's possible. What Marc's achieved has left people astonished."

It was by advertising for volunteer zombies on social networking site Facebook, borrowing make-up from Hollywood blockbusters and teaching himself how to produce special effects that thrifty director Price was able to make the film for less than the price of a zombie DVD box set....READ ON!!


This is very inspiring and sure to spawn a new wave of people who shouldn't ever attempt to make a movie.... present company included ;)

What about a movie about a Star Wars nerd from the perspective of the people who make fun of that person cause their 45 yrs. old and still constant quote a movie that if watched now looks cheesy as all hell?!

think about it....

- young

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