The Swine Flu defeated by NyQuil and a good nights sleep...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN} WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The swine flu virus that has sparked fear and precautions worldwide appears to be no more dangerous than the regular flu virus that makes its rounds each year, U.S. officials said Monday.

In another sign of improving conditions with the H1N1 virus, federal officials lowered the nation's health alert level Monday from red, or "high," to orange, or "elevated."

"The measures we have taken, and above all the public's reaction, have led to an improvement," Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said at a news conference.

"But I insist that the virus is still present, that we need to remain on alert, and the resumption of activities will be little by little, not all at once."


The dreaded Swine Flu or H1N1 virus is no stronger then the normal flu?? I guess I should return all these michael jackson painters mask then huh???

So are you telling me that the national and international media has blown a story way out of proportion to get ratings?! That is deplorable!! By the way, it just drizzled in Studio City.... call NBC, I see a STORM WATCH 09' coming!!

- young

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