Pitbull is the man!! Knocks dude out then keeps rapping!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:


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Marko.... You sir are the Truth!!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

The big homie Marko Jaric not only bagged the hottest girl out, ( I would like to say that our time partying in Hollywood has directly resulted in the subsequent events) but now he has gone next level on us.......... Adriana Lima is Pregnant!! When I see you Marko I need to give you a high five and a chest bump!! Congrats!!

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Ok so I could deal with seeing you on TMZ looking like a skank, but when you start hanging out at BESO every f'ing night..... That's where I draw the line!!! I used to appreciate a nice vodka soda while commenting on how Brittny Gastineau's mom is surpassingly attractive but damn you Shauna..... now I wanna puke at my own spot!!!

- young

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Charles Hamilton aka Wackest Wannabe Rapper Ever!! Get's punched in the mouth by a girl... LMFAO

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Check my past blogs..... dude is a joke to the tenth power!! Hey news flash moron, get off the gay-ass fedora and be nice to women who pick you up from the airport. U R LAME

- young

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Director makes Zombie movie on $70 budget... and kills it @ CANNES!!!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] A budding British director is enjoying success on a shoestring at Cannes with "Colin," a new zombie feature that cost a scarcely believable $70 to make.

"Colin" director Marc Price who spent 18 months making the film, working nights at a private car hire firm.
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Japanese distributors are currently in negotiations for the rights to the film and buzz around the no-budget zombie chiller has attracted interest from some major American distributors -- all of which is a very nice surprise for the team behind "Colin."

"We were almost fainting at the list of people who were coming [to the final market screening of the film]," said Helen Grace of Left Films who is helping the film's director Marc Price publicize the film in Cannes. "Representatives from major American distributors -- some of the Hollywood studios."

"When we say it's a low budget film, people presume a couple of hundred thousand [dollars]. People can't figure out how it's possible. What Marc's achieved has left people astonished."

It was by advertising for volunteer zombies on social networking site Facebook, borrowing make-up from Hollywood blockbusters and teaching himself how to produce special effects that thrifty director Price was able to make the film for less than the price of a zombie DVD box set....READ ON!!


This is very inspiring and sure to spawn a new wave of people who shouldn't ever attempt to make a movie.... present company included ;)

What about a movie about a Star Wars nerd from the perspective of the people who make fun of that person cause their 45 yrs. old and still constant quote a movie that if watched now looks cheesy as all hell?!

think about it....

- young

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First Obama....and now THIS?! Black Mayor in Mississippi?!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

PHILADELPHIA, Mississippi (CNN) -- James Young still remembers the Ku Klux Klan tormenting his neighborhood. He can still see his father holding a gun on the living room couch ready to shoot anyone who threatened his family. ..READ MORE


What's next, a Black person in Newport Beach?! Oh SNAP...... I already did that!! Well let's work on getting a mexican into the NBA and my life will be complete.

- young

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Blake Lively wears the "Pants" in my house!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Maybe it was her convincingly sleazy seduction of her coach in Sister Hood of the Traveling Pants (yes I saw it!!), or maybe my experience working with her crazy sister and mother.... whatever it is, Blake Lively is HOTTTTT!

This is a perfect example of knowing what you have and using it! Thank you Blake for making all these other randoms look like "rat ass".


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

This is a picture of Lady Gaga making an appearance at a local Sydney radio station.? If this is an outfit for radio, I sure the fuck don't wanna see what she is gonna wear to the local morning news!!

- young

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2010 Olympic Torch?? Or Candian Blunt?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In what can only be described as AMAZING, the IOC has ok'd the use of a joint-like design for the 2010 Winter Olympic Torch. Stoners everywhere have put down their bongs and rolled up a fatty to celebrate this momentus occassion. "Curling has never been so fucking cool", stated Bud, a life long pot smoker and local grocery store bag boy.

- young

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Airport Security takes naked pics of YOU!?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Privacy advocates plan to call on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to suspend use of "whole-body imaging," the airport security technology that critics say performs "a virtual strip search" and produces "naked" pictures of passengers, CNN has learned.

A TSA employee, shown from the back, as he stands in an airport whole-body imaging machine.
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The national campaign, which will gather signatures from organizations and relevant professionals, is set to launch this week with the hope that it will go "viral," said Lillie Coney, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which plans to lead the charge. ...READ MORE


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NEW Rihanna ft. Lady Gaga & "SILLY BOY"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Can you say Chris Brown diss?! Personally I think this song sucks major ass, but I am sure in a week I will be doing the 2 step and side slide to it @ Ecco..... so whatever?!

- young

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Vicente Fox is down for the GANJA!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has joined three other ex-leaders of Latin American nations calling for the decriminalization of marijuana.

Fox, who was Mexico's president from 2000 to 2006, said the current policy is clearly not working.

"I believe it's time to open the debate over legalizing drugs," he told CNN on Tuesday. "It must be done in conjunction with the United States, but it is time to open the debate."

He pointed to how the end of Prohibition in the United States in 1933 lessened organized crime violence.

"It can't be that the only way is for the state to use force," he said.

I was going to write something clever but I totally forgot?! um............oh yeah, V. Fox is the man for finally saying what everybody else in the world has been saying for years. If booze is legal then there really shouldn't be any reason that something as harmless as weed should be considered illegal. And trust me, alcohol is way more of a "gateway" drug then some MaryJane and even if it does lead to other things, those other things are usually Cheetos, Ho-Ho's and Sour Patch Kids...... at least for me anyway ;)

- young

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No one cares about your face J. Lo..... Not even women!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Why are you famous?! I have always wanted to "ass" you that question J. Lo!! And more than that why are you such a bitch?! I mean you can't sing..... I mean really...... you can't act... double really.... and you can't design, SO WHAT THE FUCK?!!

Heidi and Spencer think you are a no talent HACK, and they are the worst of the worst!!

- young

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Um........ What is really going on Jessica?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

What in tarnation is going on here?!! Remember back when Britney, Christina and Jessica all came out?! Who would of known that the only one of them to survive would be Christina......... Oh my bad, it's probably because she is the one who can actually sing!!

Ashley don't hate me for saying this but, your sister is straight embarrassing. sorry.


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Obama clowns GOP and wilds out at Correspondent Dinner.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Martin Lawrence wants $5 dollars for every time Obama says, "Waaazzzup!" I love how Rush is finally getting all the attention his fat ass has always strived for....... you've come a long way you pill popping fool. And Dick Chaney was unable to hear the joke about him due to the fact that he is currently in hibernation. But don't fret, as soon as another war pops up he will be revived to capitalize on the deaths of young men and women around the world.

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Mark Cuban is gonna get fucked up!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[ESPN]A day after Mother's Day, Kenyon Martin lobbed a verbal salvo to Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban in defense of his own.

Martin, whose mother was verbally confronted by Cuban after Saturday night's game, said he was going to "take care of it" as early as Monday night, as the Nuggets looked to sweep the Mavericks in their second-round playoff series.


"I don't feel I need to call his name in the media and all that, but it's a little personal," Martin said after the Nuggets' shootaround in Dallas, according to a report on The Denver Post's Web site. "And I'm going to take care of it."


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Nick Cannon calls out Eminem.... This should be good!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Apparently Nick Cannon took offence to Eminem's new song "Bagpipes from Baghdad", in the song Em calls out Nick's wife (Mariah Carey, in case you were living under a fucking rock). Well Nick is mad and he wants revenge!! He wrote this response to the track on his blog:

"So as I further examine the track, I hear dude cross the line. He begins to call my wife out of her name! Now as y'all know, I don't take that type of nonsense lightly. So on some grown man shit I'm instantly like, I got to get at this Lame. I know it's only entertainment and I'm all for freedom of speech. But I'm from the school of thought where if you are tough enough to talk shit, you got to be tough enough to deal with the consequences that come with tough guy shit talking! Then the little angel on my shoulder said, "No Nicholas, there is no need to play into his negativity. He is just a troubled soul yearning for the lost spotlight. You must be Christ like and turn the other cheek"
But then the dude on the other shoulder said, " What Nigga?! Is you scared?! You can't let no man ever disrespect your wife! Especially not some Peroxide drenched homophobic has-been! This is like some Paquiao vs. Hatton shit! He is underestimating you with his ass out and you can drop him in the first round!" - Nick Cannon


This lil n*gga needs to understand that MH is Em's sloppy seconds and he needs to stay out of this one. You dont want it with Eminem homie!! Ask Ja Rule how that worked out?! I appreciate this dude defending his wife but for real Nick you are a dork, go back to the Gucci store and buy your wife some shit with HER money!!

- young

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Is that your face?! YIKES!!!! Rock of Love's Daisy OD's!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to TMZ, A source close to the situation says friends called 911 after they heard Daisy making strange noises in her friend's Hollywood Hills home.

When firefighters and medics came to the house, sources tell us Daisy was acting "crazy" -- yelling, screaming and thrashing around. It took multiple emergency personnel to get Daisy into the ambulance.

We're told Daisy is currently receiving treatment at a Los Angeles area hospital.

Hours before the incident, TMZ cameras caught Daisy looking really, really out of sorts on her way out of Les Deux nightclub in Hollywood.


NASTY NASTY NASTY! And Les Deux?! That's a whole other story, what used to be a great venue has turned into a cespool of hair gel, tattoos and wack ass bitches.......blahggah....sorry I just puked a little.

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Random Hottie: "Hey, who is that girl over there?"

Hot Friend: " Which one?"

RH: "The one posing for pictures, is she famous or something?"

Hot Friend: "Oh thats just that Holly chick from that playboy show. Ya know the one where mediocre blondes let that old guy pay their bills in exchange for sex?"

RH: "They have a show for that now? I don't believe it because if that was true then half the girls in Hollywood would be on TV!."

Indeed Random Hottie....INDEED!


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Rihanna takes sleazy pics??!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Rihanna is the homegirl so I won't say what you think that I am thinking of saying.........huh?! On the for realz though, she looks amazing! This is not going to hurt her career one bit, if anything she can just blame Chris Brown's crazy ass. Good Look Rhi Rhi, you got the grammy's already so who really cares. See you at Les Deux What it Do!!


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50 Cent unveils the all new 50 Cam w/ cameo by Dr. DRE!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Kobe's elbow ends Ron Artest' evening early. What a dick.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

A blatant elbow from NBA star Kobe Bryant, has resulted in the ejection of Houston forward Ron Artest, late in the 3rd quarter of tonight's LAKER/ROCKETS game.

I would like to apologize in advance for the following statements.......1) Kobe is a dickhead. 2) Kobe is an asshole 3) Kobe is an ego maniac.

UPDATE: O-M to the motherf*cking G!!! Kobe just did the sickest shit ever........ All is forgiven. Kobe is the Truth..... and a dick.

- young

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Ryan Reynolds is DEADPOOL!! Fox has begun development on 'Deadpool'!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[Variety] Twentieth Century Fox has begun development on "Deadpool," an "X-Men" spinoff that will be crafted as a star vehicle for Ryan Reynolds, who played the character in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."

The character is one of the most popular in Marvel Comics' X-Men universe. Deadpool is Wade Wilson, a mercenary who, dying of cancer, submits himself to the Weapon X genetic alteration experiment and emerges as an indestructible semi-sane anti-hero. Reynolds seemed destined to play the character. In one reference in the Marvel Comics, Deadpool is described as a mix between "a Shar Pei and Ryan Reynolds."


No joke!! If you were a closet comic book nerd in 96-97'*, and was made fun of for having big ears and one time in Mr. Glen's class this chick named.... wait.... I'm mean I personally didn't get made fun of, I was just... um, anyway, RYAN REYNOLDS GOT THE DEADPOOL MOVIE!!

Even though the Wolverine movie was a fucking joke, I am super stoked about this one so I won't go off on a tangent. But if you see me in the streets I will gladly indulge you..... and thats a promise!!

* I may have or may not have downloaded issues 1-69 of deadpool a few weeks ago, but I swear I read this comic when I was a kid.

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Soulja Boy on Good Day LA.....

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My fantasy is officially over!! Julia Roberts, I will miss you.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Actually, I take that heading back!! Julia Roberts I would still handle your scandal!!
I think that you are the hottest prostitute ever!!


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BREAKING NEWS!! T.I.'s protege Alfamega is really a Government Informant !!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

MAY 5--Billed as the protégé of rapper/gun enthusiast T.I., Cedric "Alfamega" Zellars is a convicted felon whose songs brag about his status as an "original gangster" and contain de rigeur references to police tape, automatic weapons, and murder. Zellars, who records for T.I.'s Grand Hustle Entertainment, is a hulking 6' 4", calls himself "The Grand Hustle Muscle," and proclaims, "I'm a real hood." What he does not mention, though, is his prior work as a Drug Enforcement Administration informant who snitched out criminal cohorts and testified as a government witness at the trial of an Atlanta heroin trafficker... Read Here [thesmokinggun]


I guess 50 Cent was right when he questioned the unheard of 1 year sentence that T.I. received after attempting to purchase AK-47's with silencers. All these dudes are the POLICE..... first Rick Ross and now this clown, they both need to be shot for pushing this mentality and image to kids while working for the pigs..... EMBARRASSING!!

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LeBron plays ball boy to his 4 year old son!! Kid has GAME!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

UPDATE: LeBron James Jr. has decided to forgo his final year of preschool and elected to jump straight to middle school!! LOL

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What the Fuck are you wearing?!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Rihanna showed up to the red carpet @ the Met Gala last night looking like someone who battles the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers on saturday mornings! Good Lord woman, I would say you should get slapped for wearing this but ..... well ya know, it may be too soon. sorry :(

- young

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The Swine Flu defeated by NyQuil and a good nights sleep...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN} WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The swine flu virus that has sparked fear and precautions worldwide appears to be no more dangerous than the regular flu virus that makes its rounds each year, U.S. officials said Monday.

In another sign of improving conditions with the H1N1 virus, federal officials lowered the nation's health alert level Monday from red, or "high," to orange, or "elevated."

"The measures we have taken, and above all the public's reaction, have led to an improvement," Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said at a news conference.

"But I insist that the virus is still present, that we need to remain on alert, and the resumption of activities will be little by little, not all at once."


The dreaded Swine Flu or H1N1 virus is no stronger then the normal flu?? I guess I should return all these michael jackson painters mask then huh???

So are you telling me that the national and international media has blown a story way out of proportion to get ratings?! That is deplorable!! By the way, it just drizzled in Studio City.... call NBC, I see a STORM WATCH 09' coming!!

- young

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Jon and Kate "Plus Hate" & Rumor has it........

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to sources, Jon and Kate are trying to "smooth things out", but by the look on her face they may have a tough road ahead.

Rumor has it..........

Tila Tequila is now dating Ray-J?! Damn that chick is running through people faster then the SWINE FLU Mediatakeout

Amy "Vodka"-house is taken to the hospital. dlisted

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Blame it on the alc-alca-alc-alcohol.....The "Hoff" falls off the wagon....again!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Michael Knight: "Kitt, I need you to pick me up a twelver of corona and a bottle of Jack... ASAP!!"
KITT: "Michael, I think you have a problem! I'm calling Devon!!"

David Hasselhoff was rushed to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning on Saturday (May 2) when his 16-year-old daughter, Hayley, discovered the actor unconscious and on the floor of his home in Encino, Calif.

According to RadarOnline, Hayley then called David’s estranged ex-wife, actress Pamela Bach, who drove him to Cedars-Sinai for treatment.

So sad, get well you crazy German superstar!!

- young

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LBJ Interview with Mike Wilbon [ESPN]

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Malcom is a race car driver?!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Where the "F" have I been?! Apparently this dude has been racing for awhile and is completely over acting?! That is such a good look, I think I am going to retire from blogging and become an international secret agent or a pro golfer... hmmmmm, the possibilities are endless.

Damn, race car drivers have hot chicks!!

Check this dudes web site:


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NYLE...... This video in awesome!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Nyle "Let The Beat Build" from Nyle on Vimeo.

Thanks BT !!
Now I have to write a new song!!

- young

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Obama clowns press and does work.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Last night I said an Obama joke at the Roosevelt and the bar tender looked like she wanted to kill me. I only avoided being bludgeoned with a bottle of goose by proclaiming, "Nah, Obama is the homie!!"

Geez.... ::wiping brow:: close one!!

- young

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New Video from The Dream - HATER

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New Asher Roth ft. Cee Lo Green

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Raekwon feat. Ghostface Killah & Method Man - New Wu

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Hot or Embarrassing!? Hayden Panettiere's new tattoo.....??

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I don't know guys..... this looks a little to familier.... can you say Angie/Rhi Rhi/Megan Fox?!!

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