The Wonders of Los Angeles...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
After a solid "workout" this morning I decided to embark on a death-defying mission rarely attempted by a man of my social status: To find my local library!! Now many (if not all) of you may be asking yourself, "what the heck is a library and what do they have there?". Well have no fear boys and girls, I have cracked the case!! Apparently you can get this thing that they call a "library card", and with this magical card (which is free by the way) you can pick out books that you want to read and take them home with you!? They even have DVD's, magazines and books on cd, its insane. Even minorities can partake and if you play your cards right there might even be a cute chick looking for a self-help book or season 2 of Sex in the City.
So if you have absolutely nothing to do in the next few days, or are just unemployed, check out your local public library.. It might be fun!


Update: They have free wi-fi internet too!! F-U Starbucks!

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