
Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In what seems to be a last ditch attempt to get a new job, disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is currently all over the media and he is doing major work!!

This guy is caught on tape talking mad shit and basically putting people on notice that Barack Obama's vacant Sentate Seat was up for sale. Now Gov. Rod Blagojevich is talking to everyone from Larry King to the crazy broads on the The View. After referencing MLK, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela, Blagojevich want as far say that he considering giving the Senate seat to Oprah Winfrey!?

Honestly what the hell is up with people thinking Oprah Winfrey is soooooo fucking powerful?? Really?? Really?
Sorry Mom and every other woman in America........ I just don't get it.


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