Welcome back Mickey Rourke!! Slumdog takes home Globe.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Since before I can remember, I have been a huge fan of Mickey Rourke. He always seemed like a normal dude to me, he brought so much pain and enthusiasm to his roles... it was beautiful.

That being said, other than Barfly, I probably couldn't tell you a movie he was in so what the fuck do I know. But recently I had the opportunity to see The Wrestler and even though I thought it was slow, it was great to see Mickey! Two things were very apparent after watching the wrestler: 1) Mickey Rourke is back!! 2) Marissa Tome has a slamming little body.......Giggidy, giggidy, giggidy!

Slumdog Millionaire (which almost made me shed like half a tear) was also a big winner on Sunday night.
Very cool movie about a young man who refused to give up on love even when the odds were stacked against him.

Oh yeah and the Lakers won too. Gotta Love L.A.


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