Refreshing. The Return of Good Movies Vol.1

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Over the past few years I have come to the realization that movie studios continue to release the same movies with the same people over and over again until our eyes bleed and we all become Jessica Alba fans. As it is I already fall asleep within the the first 10 minutes of any movie, (including Dark Knight... which was mediocre at best) but now I have to decide between Kitt Kittridge: American Girl or wack ass Kate Hudson romantic comedy.

Thank God that 09' is getting off to a better start! So far I have seen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Gran Torino and The Wackness. All three of these movies did not disappoint and were the proverbial Sunshine on cloudy L.A. day.

The Wackness:

Ben Kingsley making out with Mary-Kate Olsen is classic and Method Man even stops by for a cameo. If you liked east coast early 90's hip hop and are a Biggie fan you are going to love the soundtrack.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button:

Brad Pitt will get an Oscar nomination for his performance as Mr. Button. The movie itself is long but is still able to keep you interested. Definitely a movie that people are going to want to own. The fact that it was based around Katrina and filmed in New Orleans was great!! That production gave a lot people jobs and I am sure was a boost to the local economy. Good Look!!

Gran Torino:

Very cool to see the asian homies get up on the big screen...... even if portrayed in a somewhat negative light. Clint Eastwood lives up to his hard ass-ness and the lil' dude who plays his buddy does a very good job. No Oscar for Clint though! Please lets not give awards for being old!! Give him the lifetime achievement award or something.

So get out there and see a good movie! Then email me so I can get the bootleg!!


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