Married with Children

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Kelly: Dad what makes men cheat on women?

Al: Women!

Kelly: Why?

Al: Because women respect men that cheat. That's why your mother doesn't respect me.


Al Bundy, you sir are spot on. Spot fucking on!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Wow!! You sir are the man! If you are any kind of human being you know what this dude (and Travis Barker) went through recently. Well last night my boy AM was in full effect at MY HOUSE in hollywood.... Killing it on the one's and two's.
And that's pretty much all I remember! I think there was an after party too but who knows? I'm tired!!!

UPDATE: shout out to my other favorite DJ Eric C.!! Great seeing you.


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The Wonders of Los Angeles...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
After a solid "workout" this morning I decided to embark on a death-defying mission rarely attempted by a man of my social status: To find my local library!! Now many (if not all) of you may be asking yourself, "what the heck is a library and what do they have there?". Well have no fear boys and girls, I have cracked the case!! Apparently you can get this thing that they call a "library card", and with this magical card (which is free by the way) you can pick out books that you want to read and take them home with you!? They even have DVD's, magazines and books on cd, its insane. Even minorities can partake and if you play your cards right there might even be a cute chick looking for a self-help book or season 2 of Sex in the City.
So if you have absolutely nothing to do in the next few days, or are just unemployed, check out your local public library.. It might be fun!


Update: They have free wi-fi internet too!! F-U Starbucks!

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NBC's Norah O'Donnell get's paid for this shit?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In a recent article on, NBC's Norah O'Donnell wrote, "Palin continues to have a huge political following. As of noon today, she has 464,000 friends on"

- Ok so now if you are pushing 1/2 a million friends on Facebook you are automatically considered for the 2012 Presidental race!? Is this chick for real?? Lil' Wayne has 1.3 million fans and i guarantee that mufucka's not qualified. Someone needs to tell Norah to get off her ass and find a real story......... or make up a better one.


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Jessica 'Blimpson'

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Holy shit woman! Jessica straight blew the fuck up?! Looks like she's taking this Country thang a little to seriously, I mean ding dang ya'll Tony Romo could have rushed for a hundred yards with Jess blocking for him. Oh, and Tony: Instead of obviously feeding this chick whatever the hell she wants, try winning a big game homie.


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

JD stopped by Hyde last night. Pretty sure he played some Dru
Hill!! "Sleeping in my bed/ messing with my head"

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In what seems to be a last ditch attempt to get a new job, disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is currently all over the media and he is doing major work!!

This guy is caught on tape talking mad shit and basically putting people on notice that Barack Obama's vacant Sentate Seat was up for sale. Now Gov. Rod Blagojevich is talking to everyone from Larry King to the crazy broads on the The View. After referencing MLK, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela, Blagojevich want as far say that he considering giving the Senate seat to Oprah Winfrey!?

Honestly what the hell is up with people thinking Oprah Winfrey is soooooo fucking powerful?? Really?? Really?
Sorry Mom and every other woman in America........ I just don't get it.


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Obama Water! It's better than Gatorade!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Recently my little sister "Toto" stopped by the crib to visit and came baring gifts.... 2 bottles of Obama Water. Now I am not going to speculate on what mind altering, pre-rapture ingredients this water may or may not contain, but I will say that this shit is OFF THE CHAIN. It taste like regular water only its more articulate and smooth..... weird?

I am going to only drink Obama Water (and maybe a few beers) for the next week and report back with my findings.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Sham Wow!?!?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Ok I have seen this commercial like once, yet for some reason I can't stop saying the name.....Sham Wow!! What the fuck. Have the makers of Head On,(apply directly to your forehead) and that one dude with the thick black beard that yells all the time, secretly invented the best brainwashing infomercial ever?!

Update: Sham Wow Sham Wow Sham Wow Sham Wow Sham Wow Sham Wow

Ok I'm done. Sorry

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Dane Cook get's jacked by his brother then ripped by TMZ!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

::The opinions expressed in this blog are those of random readers and not of youngking, youngkingtv, JuiceUnit or any of it's employees. These comments were in response to a recent article detailing the apparent jacking of Dane Cook by his own brother!! Read Article



Posted at 7:03PM on Dec 30th 2008 by NIKKI

-i honestly dont believe dane cook has millions. if he does, they SHOULD be stolen. he's a tool and he stole 2 hours of my life that i'll never get back with his jackass special. he should be in jail instead

Posted at 9:42PM on Dec 30th 2008 by bill w

-In High School we called him, Darryl ''MADOFF" McCaulley....

Posted at 8:16PM on Dec 30th 2008 by topwaiter

-What I find most shocking is that Dane Cook makes millions!

Posted at 8:36PM on Dec 30th 2008 by L

-DANE COOK SUCKS!! He is giant bag of used douche

Posted at 11:54AM on Dec 31st 2008 by tacoluv

-not as bad as your own mom stealing your government stimulous and refund check.. depositing it into a joint account then transfering the funds to her own account..

thanks mom.

Posted at 3:14PM on Dec 31st 2008 by daddyslilsquirt


WOW.... The internet is fucked up!! Tina Fey was right......... "Dianefan, you can suck it!!"


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Welcome back Mickey Rourke!! Slumdog takes home Globe.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Since before I can remember, I have been a huge fan of Mickey Rourke. He always seemed like a normal dude to me, he brought so much pain and enthusiasm to his roles... it was beautiful.

That being said, other than Barfly, I probably couldn't tell you a movie he was in so what the fuck do I know. But recently I had the opportunity to see The Wrestler and even though I thought it was slow, it was great to see Mickey! Two things were very apparent after watching the wrestler: 1) Mickey Rourke is back!! 2) Marissa Tome has a slamming little body.......Giggidy, giggidy, giggidy!

Slumdog Millionaire (which almost made me shed like half a tear) was also a big winner on Sunday night.
Very cool movie about a young man who refused to give up on love even when the odds were stacked against him.

Oh yeah and the Lakers won too. Gotta Love L.A.


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Refreshing. The Return of Good Movies Vol.1

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Over the past few years I have come to the realization that movie studios continue to release the same movies with the same people over and over again until our eyes bleed and we all become Jessica Alba fans. As it is I already fall asleep within the the first 10 minutes of any movie, (including Dark Knight... which was mediocre at best) but now I have to decide between Kitt Kittridge: American Girl or wack ass Kate Hudson romantic comedy.

Thank God that 09' is getting off to a better start! So far I have seen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Gran Torino and The Wackness. All three of these movies did not disappoint and were the proverbial Sunshine on cloudy L.A. day.

The Wackness:

Ben Kingsley making out with Mary-Kate Olsen is classic and Method Man even stops by for a cameo. If you liked east coast early 90's hip hop and are a Biggie fan you are going to love the soundtrack.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button:

Brad Pitt will get an Oscar nomination for his performance as Mr. Button. The movie itself is long but is still able to keep you interested. Definitely a movie that people are going to want to own. The fact that it was based around Katrina and filmed in New Orleans was great!! That production gave a lot people jobs and I am sure was a boost to the local economy. Good Look!!

Gran Torino:

Very cool to see the asian homies get up on the big screen...... even if portrayed in a somewhat negative light. Clint Eastwood lives up to his hard ass-ness and the lil' dude who plays his buddy does a very good job. No Oscar for Clint though! Please lets not give awards for being old!! Give him the lifetime achievement award or something.

So get out there and see a good movie! Then email me so I can get the bootleg!!


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Here's to the New Year!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

So I managed to lose my phone, pop champagne, double fist bottles of belvedere, dance my ass off, party in the hills and get stranded on Beverly and Fairfax........ and that was within a 5 hour span on New Years!!

That being said, we (as in me) at YoungkingTV had a very exciting and eventful 08'.

So buckle up friends and family because 09' is already underway. Don't get left behind!! Do you and don't let anyone get in your way, life is way too short to worry about what others think of you.

Cheers to a blessed and successful 09' to my friends, family and of course.... my enemies ;)

- Young Erick the 1st aka YoungKing

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

WOW. No hate.... but let me hate real quick. Kid Cudi just got handled like the knob on a parking meter! (haha made that up, so I know it's corny).

Asher Roth killing it like usual, I love this cat. Rhymes for days. KID on the other hand has one song, and Jim Jones did a remix and video for "Day and Night" and it isn't even his shit!?

I need to record ASAP


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MMA is sooo entertaining!! Watch it live!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Watch live video from MMA-TV on

Boxing is still my shizzle but MMA has a great product.............. for me to poop on.

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