Swine flu misses a perfect target.... shucks!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In their ongoing quest to be obnoxious and embarrassing, Heidi and Spencer have fled Mexico (where they were having their fake honeymoon*) to avoid "the pig flu". Mr. and Mrs. Douchebag were snapped walking on the beach wearing surgical mask to prevent contracting what has killed a whopping 150 people in Mexico ( note: the "normal flu" killed thousands in the U.S. last year so get over it).

*First of all, what kind of dork wears a belt and dockers shorts to the beach? And second of all, if you cover up her body, ugly bathing suit and nasty ass over-dyed hair, doesn't this broad look like Michael Jackson?!!

Oops!! Third of all, who the fuck with money goes to Mexico for their honeymoon?! lol You two really need to go somewhere that no one can ever be bothered with your petty fake life........ like MTV, yeah that will do just fine! Nobody over 14 watches that horse-shit anyway.

barf barf barf barf barf barf........ double barf barf


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