From the 'No one really cares' FILES

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
So I had to make a quick honey dip into my local 7-11 (Normandie & Sunset) for some easter sunday gatorade, and my acquaintance felt it necessary purchase the latest Comso with Whitney Port on the cover. Before I could spout out my usual, "who the fuck is Whitney Port" comment, the little indian homie at the counter began rambling and pointing uncontrollably at the cover. After some careful listening and blackberry translator, I was able to gather that miss Whitney Port had just been in that very 7-11 days earlier to purchase a copy of her Cosmo cover with a few unnamed friends. Now what makes this random story news worthy is the fact that Port was not only "very nice lady" but she also left a $50 dollar tip!!!

Holy Moley..... A Z-List celeb with a heart of gold?! Maybe Heidi will stop making her own cheezy music videos for a 5 minutes and give a homeless dude a dollar?.... Hey a boy can dream right?!


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