Lane Garrison released from Prison!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

If you recall, Garrison was found guilty of vehicular manslaughter whne he knowingly picked up 3 high school aged teens and ended up crashing his car, killing 1 and injuring the others. In his defense Lane took responsibilty for his actions and threw himself to the mercy of the court by pleading guilty. Most celebs would have dragged this thing out for years with high powered attorneys and motions to dismiss.

I really hope he can change his life around this time.

- young

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Real Life Super Hero?! Or just a Super Nerd?!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I'm not gonna lie, the 12 yr old inside of me wants to call mom's and have her break out the sewing machine.... I need a costume ASAP!!!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Here's the latest information we have about upcoming May Day events around California...

San Francisco
May 1st: International Workers Day ~ March for the Rights of ALL Workers Friday, May 1, 2009
12:00 PM: Gather at Dolores Park
3:00 PM: March for Immigrant Rights, Worker Rights & the Employee Free Choice Act
5:00 PM: Rally at Civic Center
This May Day join labor to march for the rights of ALL workers. Bring your union banners, placards and wear your union's apparel. For more info call (415) 720-0159 or email .

Friday, May 1, 2009
Gathering at 5:00 p.m.
March begins at 6:00 p.m.
Eaton Plaza (at the water tower)
Fresno Street and "O" Street, Fresno, CA

Los Angeles
May Day March
Begins at Broadway and Olympic, Los Angeles, 1PM
Ends at I.C.E. Detention Facility - Temple Street (between Los Angeles and Alameda) 4PM
For more info, (323) 602-3480 or

Bail out the Workers not the Bosses
Friday, May 1, 2009, 6 p.m.
State Capitol (west steps)
Sacramento, CA

MAY DAY March in Riverside
Friday, May 1, 2009 4 p.m.
March begins at Cesar Chavez Community Center 2060 University Ave, Riverside CA
March to City Hall
Legalization, an end to raids, DREAM Act, Employee Free Choice Act, good jobs for all and racial unity!

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The Naked Wizard..... because my mother hasn't seen it yet!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Vimeo.

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Jon and Kate Dad finally stands up to his c*nt of a wife...kinda

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[USMAGAZINE] Jon & Kate Plus 8 dad Jon Gosselin is admitting he "showed poor judgment" by leaving a bar at 2 a.m. with a mystery woman and without his wedding band -- while his wife Kate was across the country promoting a book.

"Like most people, I have male and female friends, and I'm not going to end my friendships just because I'm on TV," the dad of 8 tells Extra. "However, being out with them late at night showed poor judgment on my part."

A clubgoer tells the newest issue of Us Weekly that Jon "could barely walk" after spending nearly three hours with a mystery woman he referred to as "babe." After being spotted by photographers, the two hastily sped off in a car without turning on the headlights.


It's about damn time!!! If you have ever seen this show this is less then a surprise?! I was expecting, "Jon and Kate Dad buries wife in the backyard" story before this one. That lady is a straight ice queen!! Good for you Jon, maybe she will learn to appreciate your patience and that you arent one of her 20 kids.

- young

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Swine flu misses a perfect target.... shucks!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In their ongoing quest to be obnoxious and embarrassing, Heidi and Spencer have fled Mexico (where they were having their fake honeymoon*) to avoid "the pig flu". Mr. and Mrs. Douchebag were snapped walking on the beach wearing surgical mask to prevent contracting what has killed a whopping 150 people in Mexico ( note: the "normal flu" killed thousands in the U.S. last year so get over it).

*First of all, what kind of dork wears a belt and dockers shorts to the beach? And second of all, if you cover up her body, ugly bathing suit and nasty ass over-dyed hair, doesn't this broad look like Michael Jackson?!!

Oops!! Third of all, who the fuck with money goes to Mexico for their honeymoon?! lol You two really need to go somewhere that no one can ever be bothered with your petty fake life........ like MTV, yeah that will do just fine! Nobody over 14 watches that horse-shit anyway.

barf barf barf barf barf barf........ double barf barf


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Med student held without bail in possible Craigslist killing

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) -- A 22-year-old medical student suspected of killing a woman he may have met through a Craigslist online ad was arraigned Tuesday and will be held without bail.

A Boston University spokeswoman said the school suspended Markoff, who has no criminal record, when it learned of the charges on Monday.

Markoff is charged with killing 26-year-old Julissa Brisman of New York on April 14 at Boston's Copley Marriott Hotel. Evidence from the scene suggests that Brisman "put up a fight," prosecutor Jennifer Hickman said during the hearing Tuesday. Police said Brisman, a model, advertised as a masseuse on Craigslist, a popular online classifieds service.

Markoff is also charged in connection with the robbery four days earlier of a woman at a Westin Hotel. In that case, the woman made arrangements to meet a man through Craigslist for a massage at the hotel, but was held at gunpoint and bound, Hickman said. She was robbed of $800 and personal items, and left tied to a door handle with duct tape over her mouth, Hickman said in court Tuesday. Police said earlier the Westin victim was 29. She was not identified.

Police traced the Internet communications with Brisman to an e-mail account opened the day before her death, Conley said. Using Internet provider information, they found the computer was at Markoff's residence in Quincy, Massachusetts, he said. Authorities put the home under surveillance, Conley said, and "the case just begins to build from there."


Craigslist is straight creepy. This so sad, these girls are out of there minds...... I know that prostitution is the oldest profession and jobs are hard to come by, but people are too crazy these days..... watch out ladies, it's the normal looking ones that are the psychos!!

- young

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Obama Fried Chicken.... "This shit is crazy son!!"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

*in stereo typical/racist accent* "What? We like Obama my friend?"

This is the worst attempt to capitalize on Obama since "Obama Watermelons" or even "Obama Brand Moon Pies".


- young

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Would YOU??! Brooke Hogan Bikini Video Shoot!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Would YOU ?!!

The jury is still out on this one but the more I look at that chin the more I want to give this broad a "leg drop"!! And her dad is a psycho..... just sayin'.

- young

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Superhead gets married!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[] So after putting him on blast for having a penchant for anal beads, in addition to accusing him of being abusive, Karrine Steffans wants us all to know that everything is now cool between her and the guy forever known to the world as Eddie Winslow.

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

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Will we finally have the "Flying Car"? Or just that gay taxi from Total Recall?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[] "Almost since the invention of the automobile, people have dreamed of building a single vehicle that could drive on the road and take to the sky. Over the years there have been numerous attempts to build a viable “roadable aircraft” – a self-contained airplane/car hybrid – but few of these concepts ever made it off the drawing board. And even fewer made it off the ground. But with advances in technology and engineering, modern designs for the flying car are making that dream closer to reality."

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

This is wild ..... regardless of the fact that this is just nasty, you can't do shit these days without someone putting you on the internet. WOW. Not that it wasn't already but.... R.I.P Chingy's career.

Here's classic Chingy:

- young

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New Soulja Boy ft. Gucci Man & Shawty Lo

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Find more videos like this on : IF IT'S HOT IT'S HERE!

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Cassie's New Hair Cut..... What do you think?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I personally think (which mean I know) that Cassie would look good with horns! REAL TALK!!
So don't be a dick and vote!!


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Pornstar B. Pumper goes at Rick Ross.... Hilarious!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:


- young

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Yankees get 9-11'd on Opening Day

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
The Cleveland Indians, aka Al Qaeda, flew into the new Yankees stadium (which looks exactly like the old Yankee Stadium)and dropped a bomb Derek Jeter and A-Fraud today.
After all was said and done the Tribe laid 10 runs on the Pinstripes giving the C.C. Sabathia the ass whooping he deserves.

Go Dodger Blue!!


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Crack Head on Wheel of Fortune... oh no!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Do you see how he starts trying to holler at Vanna?! Who ever cast that dude was immediately fired after this show aired.


- young

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The Onion News: New Video Game for crazy, bi-polar, anti-social kids everywhere!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Hot New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In The Face

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The Jeannie Tate Show...... this is what would happen if Sarah Palin was Prez!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Lindsay "Lil Chirp" Lohan gets funny..... I love it!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Ras Trent.... Lordah mercy!! SHABBA!! Hearme now!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Don't even front..... you know that I know that we all know THAT GUY!!

"I'm from Jamaica mon."
"Where in Jamaica?"
"Right near da beeeach"



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HAHAHA This can't be real Vol. 1

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

This is one delusional African! LMFAO

- young

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Lil Kim on Dancing with the Stars....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Wait, I'm sorry...... what planet am I on? Isn't this the girl who called herself "The Baddest Bitch"?
Anyway, good for Kim, she actually looked pretty good.....giggidy ;)


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John Madden calls it quits....... Damn you Brett Favre!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Former NFL Coach and commentator John Madden has decided to hang it up after over 30 years in the broadcast booth.

[] Madden, a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and former Super Bowl-winning coach of the Oakland Raiders, has been a game analyst and TV personality since walking away from coaching.

"It's time. I'm 73 years old. My 50th wedding anniversary is this fall," Madden said. "I have two great sons and their families and my five grandchildren are at an age now when they know when I'm home and, more importantly, when I'm not."

"It's been such a great ride," he added. The NFL has been my life for more than 40 years, it has been my passion -- It still is. ... It's still fun and that's what it makes it hard and that's why it took me a few months to make a decision.


With Brett Favre gone and Tony Romo busy trying to defend Jessica's weight, it's very clear why Madden decided to step away from the game.

- young

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From the 'No one really cares' FILES

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
So I had to make a quick honey dip into my local 7-11 (Normandie & Sunset) for some easter sunday gatorade, and my acquaintance felt it necessary purchase the latest Comso with Whitney Port on the cover. Before I could spout out my usual, "who the fuck is Whitney Port" comment, the little indian homie at the counter began rambling and pointing uncontrollably at the cover. After some careful listening and blackberry translator, I was able to gather that miss Whitney Port had just been in that very 7-11 days earlier to purchase a copy of her Cosmo cover with a few unnamed friends. Now what makes this random story news worthy is the fact that Port was not only "very nice lady" but she also left a $50 dollar tip!!!

Holy Moley..... A Z-List celeb with a heart of gold?! Maybe Heidi will stop making her own cheezy music videos for a 5 minutes and give a homeless dude a dollar?.... Hey a boy can dream right?!


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Because I CAN: Not-so Rumor Central

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
According to celeb blogger, Smashing Pumpkins front man (and overall weirdo) Billy Corgan is dating Tila Tequila! I am really not sure about this one... Tila is the homegirl from way back so can't really hate on her hustle but Billy on the other hand is looking like more of a clown than he usually does. Dude hasn't done anything significant in ages so maybe this is his way of staying relevant... LAME!!

Sightings:YKTV Album of the Year candidate The Dream having lunch with his new boo Christina Millian @ The Ivy on Robertson. It's too bad their food taste like absolute shit, seriously if I want to pay 20 bucks for nasty ass spaghetti I will go to the 99 cents store and buy 20 cans of spaghetti-O's, at least it will last me a week!! In The Ivy's defense, they do make a stiff vodka soda though..... Might cost you 12 bucks but at least you can get your buzz on while pretending not to stare at whatever G-lister is on the patio having a "lunch meeting".

- young

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Anna Farris IS hot!! I told you sooooo.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Dammit! I knew I should have got her number that one night at the "PASS" house!! Super hot and funny..... she's like a young Bonnie Hunt....... yes I have a weird Bonnie Hunt fetish.

- young

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this is awesome!! Travis Porter new group

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

these kids are wild. good shit though... and wow with the Soulja Boy diss.

- young

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LMFAO!! FRANK doing CHARLES...."Terrible"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Because I CAN: Quasi Celebrity Quotes

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

"oh hey remember me?! Um... it's Audrina, like ya know, from The Hills. The Hills, on MTV! MTV is a cable channel that used to be all about music but now only revolves around the insignificant lives of random unattractive rich kids and their stupid ugly friends.... like L.C. and me. Doesn't ring a bell? Well I'm just gonna stand here and attempt to hypnotize you with my bad boob job...... you are getting sleeeppy."

- young

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Man gets paid $2,500 to impregnate neighbors wife... and fails 72 times...but there's more!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Damn, Damn, Damn!! This is one of the craziest things I have heard in a long time. This poor dude not only found out that he is sterile but his wife is a whore too?! Talk about bad luck, at least he got to screw his neighbors wife 72 times... giggidy giggidy!!

- young

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Dog takes a piss in the house, Mom calls cops. Son kills cops! WOW

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] Three Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, police officers were shot to death while responding to a 911 call of a domestic argument triggered by a urinating dog, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case. Details of the incident were included in the police complaint seeking an arrest warrant for Poplawski. The complaint says Margaret Poplawski called 911 about 7 a.m. Saturday to report that her son was "giving her a hard time."

"Mrs. Poplawski reported that as the officers entered approximately 10 feet into the residence, she heard gunshots, turned and saw her son about six feet away with a long rifle in his hands, at which point she fled downstairs after asking him, 'What the hell have you done?'" the complaint said....Read Full Story


This dudes mom should have shot him for being 22 and living at home. sad sad sad.

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:


Someone lock this haggard broad up and throw away the key....PLEASE!!!

- young

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Sweet Mary mother of God..... Jessica has enormous boobs!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Is it bad that I want to live inside of that green dress?! Holy smokes Jess, I promise to never call you fat again... talentless, maybe... but fat, never!!

- young

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"The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
In a recent article on the Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey famously stated, “The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today …whether they realize it or not, barring accidents and suicide, most people now 40 years or younger can expect to live for centuries.”


If you could live 1,000 years...... would you?!! I think that unless my friends and family were with me than yes, but if not I think it would get kind of wack seeing everyone around you die. On the other hand imagine how much "tail" you could get in 1,000 years!!

- young

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