Jack Stephan Filed Under:

From the first time I heard Lil' B's so-called 'music', I was offended. Not because his lyrics were crude or because his voice is obnoxious, nope. I was offended as a hip hop fan because this nigga is a terrible rapper. With poorly made videos that he apparently doesn't even know the fucking words to, (watch his videos, he literally doesn't know the words), combined with his over use of the word "SWAGG", Lil' B is the epitomy of everything thats wrong with hip-hop.

New York rapper Mysonne has finally done what everyone in the industry refuses to do... SAY THAT LIL B IS GARBAGE!!

I couldn't agree more.... I love Hip Hop but if this is where its going then I may have to cop that new Taylor Swift album son.

- young

"Everybody in there was like, this the worst shit I've ever heard!!" LMFAO son!!

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:
The best/worst guest in the history of television, Tracy Morgan, is back to have a chat with Conan and Andy. CLASSIC.

Tracy Morgan is my Hero.

Charlie Sheen is not.

- young

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Lily Allen wants to dress you now. Vintage Style.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Unlike many of her less talented and personality challenged counterparts, UK singer Lily Allen's foray into fashion has 'hit' written all over it. Usually known for saying crazy shit and getting drunk, Allen (and sis Sarah Owen) are launching an 18-piece ready-to-wear collection of dresses, inspired, naturally, by their favorite vintage pieces.

Check out Lucy In Disguise sketches from the upcoming collection.

Can't wait to make my girl spend her hard earned money on shipping charges.


Anything for fashion dear......anything.

-skinny tie young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

COMO SE DICE: "YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A CHILD" IN ESPANOL. Chris Brown is 12 years old and obviously unable to handle being held accountable for punching Rihanna in the face like 3 hundred times. Career SUICIDE is way better than Nuclear Disaster and devastation in Japan. Right?! HOORAY FOR DISTRACTIONS!! Now can I go back to eating this glowing apple and drinking radioactive iced tea?

Chris "fuck the past" Brown exploded in rage behind the scenes at "Good Morning America" this morning ... smashing a window and storming out without a shirt ... sources tell TMZ ... and it was triggered by on-air questions about the Rihanna incident. MORE AT TMZ

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Drunk OLIVIA MUNN shows us how to stay relevant.. on TODAY

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

While the rest of the world was face-tweeting about the tragedy in Japan, (even though they really wanted to comment on Vanessa Hudgens 17yr old vagina pics), Olivia Munn got all Irish on live tv with my homegirl Hoda. Personally I am an Olivia Munn fan, um, like, she was really good in that movie about her showing her snatch on that Maxim Cover and stuff. Hoda works with Kathy Lee's looney ass so I'm sure this feels strangely familiar.

Hollywood starlets take note.. Drinking is cool, but getting drunk on live while 80% of your friends are still drinking from the night before is FUCKING RAD! The more this chick annoys the Tiger Blood out of my Charlie Sheen brain the cuter she gets. Right?!

back to world of warcraft.


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Someone else is WINNING!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

While Blake Lively, (who I have never mentioned in previous post BTW)... continues to expose YOUR "stylist" as merely the coked out gay homie, the rest of hollywood was celebrating Charlie Sheen week.

I love me some Charlie too but #C'MONSON!!!

Every Jersey Shore-Idol-Katsuya-SuperDouche on Facebook has had a hard-on all week for the chirpped-out Roll Model. I miss Lindsay Lohan. Remember her? She was like a less embarrassing hotter Britney Spears, but with 9 million less dumb fans..... and freckles.


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Jennifer Lawrence made me break-up with Blake Lively... almost.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

The Stars, bad jokes, f-bombs and jew homies were out in full force at last nights Oscars. James Franco and Anne Hathaway did their best to make it a very forgettable evening but I found a few gems tucked deep in Mila Kunis's tight-little-boobie-dress...... REDEMPTION!!

James Franco always looks strung out..right?!

Justin banging Mila rumors aren't going away (Damn you Timberlake.. leave some vagina for the rest of us, GUY!!)

Emma Roberts is dating a gay dude. (allegedly...not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Russell Brand actually said something insightful and intelligent. WHO KNEW?!

Happy Monday Ya'll [in my Brintey holding-a-soda-with-the-label-pointed-directly-at-the-camera voice]


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Belinda Heggen Mocks Co-Host Mark Aiston's Lil' PENIS Live On Air

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

This is some world class HATE CRIME right here. I haven't heard HATE this good since I dropped that Gary Coleman joke 5 minutes after the little homie's wife killed him. Sad part about it is, if you just look at this dude it is painfully obvious that his penis ranks right up there with the Coachella Wizard.

- young

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Malcom in The Middle is the NEW Chris Brown!!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[TMZ] According to the police report, Elycia says, Frankie "punched her in the back of the head, and threw her into a wall while in the downstairs bedroom."

TMZ obtained a police report filed in Phoenix, AZ last Friday. According to the report, Muniz and his girlfriend, Elycia Turnbow, were arguing in their home about "prior relationships." Elycia told cops, Frankie "grabbed a gun and held it to his head, possibly with the intent of committing suicide."



If my memory serves me correctly (which I strongly doubt), this dork quit acting to race cars right? Then he moves his hot girlfriend to Arizona?! This dude should be happy that she didn't KILL HERSELF a long time ago.... who the fuck lives in Arizona?
I will give it to this little guy though, never punch your girl in the front of the head, that is just NO BUENO!!

- young

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J. Cole ft. Drake - In The Morning

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Video Provided by

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SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is relevant... for the next week.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Irina Shayk (whoever that is) is this years recipient of the S.I. Swimsuit Edition cover. Irina can now bask in the fantastic realization that truckers, Fed-Ex/UPS drivers, and pre/post pubescent teenage boys will give up their free online porn addiction for the next few days to purchase what equates to "jack-off" material.

If they were smart they would wait a few days until the images are all online. That way they can make a powerpoint slideshow presentation using their favorite pics, which would make for a way more convenient 'hands-free' experience.


UPDATE: Jergens lotion stock has risen by 47% in the last 24 hours..... curious.


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CBS Anchor's Brain Explodes during LIVE Grammy coverage!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Veteran CBS Los Angeles reporter Serene Branson, live from outside the Grammy venue, popped up appearing to speak gibberish. Reports flooded Twitter that she was drunk or that she simply got tongue-tied owing to a delay in her earpiece; READ MORE


What the fuck was that?

I haven't seen a bomb that bad since I 'King's Speeched' a Boys and Girls club award ceremony back in the day. I was drunk and nervous but at least I sounded like a idiot in English, LORD HAVE MERCY. This shit is straight gobbledygook!!!

Here is the autotune version, ENJOY:

Kinda reminds me of:

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Handsome G ft. YoungKing - Elephant Remix

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Elephant by YoungKing

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Blaxican History Month

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

On February 17th, 1980 in Hollywood, CA a great tradition was born. Filled with pride and celebration, the streets were abuzz with excitement.


Never again will the 'other' box have to be checked when filling out government paperwork.

From this day forward running fast and jumping high will be accompanied with the ability to drink a beer while doing both.

The 'ethnic' nights at local clubs will now be off limits to anyone with a sense of self-worth and/or style.

...and the list goes on and on.

Here at YoungkingTV we strive for the advancement of our Blaxican friends and will be honoring their plight ALL MONTH.

As part of the festivities I will now eat a breakfast burrito.... for dinner.


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When 'stupid people keeping it real' goes Rogue.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

This year I vowed to be a kinder and gentler me.
More subdued and less impulsive, more thoughtful and less hateful, more willing to look at a person and refrain from passing judgement.

I tried......but thanks to these two idiots, the beast that burns deep within my soul has risen once more. To seek vengeance upon those who still think it's ok to wear cowboy boots and leggings....ever!!

note: ...and good job U.S. Weekly. You can go back to stuffing Kim Kardashqvxzpjddadian down our fucking throats now... Thanks ;)


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