Oliver Stone against the Jews.... Uh Oh!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

OH SNAPS!! This what happens when Lil' Chirp goes to jail and Miley takes a break from flashing her 16 yr. old "Vi-jay-jay" on the internet. Acclaimed and often controversial director Oliver Stone has gone all Kanye West on the "Jewish dominated media" in a recent interview with the Sunday Times. We haven't seen someone "bite the hand that fed them" this bad since Delonte West f*cked LeBron's Mom. Como se dice: Career Suicide en espanol?

- young



Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America's focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the "Jewish domination of the media."
The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the "powerful lobby" of Jews in America.

Stone said that his upcoming Showtime documentary series "Secret History of America," seeks to put Hitler and Communist dictator Joseph Stalin "in context."

"Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein. German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support," Stone told reporter Camilla Long during the interview, which can be found behind the paywall on the Sunday Times' website.

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