Lohan get's $70 Grand to have BDAY POOL PARTY!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[ TheSuperficial] At the event, which served as a promotion for her Sevyn Nine self-tanning mist, Lohan changed bathing suits five times before throwing on club gear and dancing to Michael Jackson songs for the rest of the night. But friends of Lohan say the event was less of a celebration and more of an urgent attempt to pull in some cash. "None of her really close friends were there," said our insider, who noted that ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson was also missing from the festivities. "The only person who was even known was Brittny Gastineau."


Ok, lets all take a step back and think nice thoughts about our dear friend Lindsay........ ahhhh, refreshing.

- young

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2 Responses to "Lohan get's $70 Grand to have BDAY POOL PARTY!!"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. People may see her as a "has-been" in Hollywood, but a safe tan spray in the city of sun, strippers and traveling "medical students"... There is no doubt 79 will stay a hot item. It's currently Sephora's number one seller nationwide, and has only been public for a month.
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. she's going to make a killing $$$