Best Show on TV... other than 30 Rock, Curb, and True Blood.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

A HAUNTING is a chills-filled series, chronicling the terrifying true stories of the paranormal told by those who experienced real-life horror tales.
Each one-hour episode dramatizes some of the scariest stories in America, revealing a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so potent that innocent people become forced to deal with them decades later. Through mesmerizing first-person accounts, the mystery and origin of each haunting is powerfully unraveled. By the end of each ghost story, audiences experience a lingering sense that life — and death — are much stranger than anyone could have possibly imagined.


Just watched a marathon of A Haunting and that shit was scary. The reenactments are pretty creepy and the stories are narrated by some dude who was obviously born to freak people out. YKTV is hooked!!


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