Perez get's what he deserves....... and no it's not Zach Efron's penis!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

After nights at the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto, host Perez Hilton posted the following on Twitter: "- I'm in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please.about 5 hours ago from Sidekick

-- I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick

-- Still waiting for the police. The bleeding has stopped. I need to document this. Please, can the police come to the SoHo Met Hotel. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick

-- I spoke to my lawyer. I really need to talk to the authorities. Please come to the SoHo Met Hotel. Have called the police. Need them here. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick

-- The Toronto police are here now. Thank you. Please stop calling them. -- about 5 hours ago from Sidekick

-- Thank u all from the bottom of my heart for ur concern. The police are investigating the assault now. I did the right thing by reporting it. -- about 3 hours ago from web

So instead of calling the police first (like a normal human being) Perez jumped on twitter and tried to capitalize on his supposed assault while snitching on Will...... this dude is a fucking joke. Let's hope these events are the beginning of the end for this bitter attention whore and his medicore cum-filled blog. I think Perez is just mad because Zach Efron didn't slap him with his dick up and around his mouth!

UPDATE: Both parties have posted videos in response to the incident and it was also revealed that BEP manager "Polo" was the one who actually assaulted Ms. Hilton.

UPDATE: The Black Eyed Pea's were not allowed to leave the country until the issue was addressed so "Polo" has turned himself in and is being charged with assault.

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