YoungKing drives across the country!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
So in my latest quest to learn all things crazy, I along with my good friend (and fellow P.a.) Yvonne drove to Colorado from California to shoot a commercial for the U.S. Army. We shot at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs for 5. Amazing days. Shout to Sergeant Hicks and Sergeant Howard for showing the kid love!! After a wild night on Friday in downtown [ check out The Ritz and Blondies] we hoped in our camera truck and hit the road..... Destination: Washington D.C.!!

So as I write this I am driving through Topeka, Kansas heading East. The United States is a beautiful place and I feel very fortunate to get paid to see her. The people are a tad different but then again I live in Hollywood aka "The Skinniest Place on Earth".

Life is short. Don't feel guilty for living it.

Peace and love to my enemies

- youngking


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