Lily Allen wants to dress you now. Vintage Style.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Unlike many of her less talented and personality challenged counterparts, UK singer Lily Allen's foray into fashion has 'hit' written all over it. Usually known for saying crazy shit and getting drunk, Allen (and sis Sarah Owen) are launching an 18-piece ready-to-wear collection of dresses, inspired, naturally, by their favorite vintage pieces.

Check out Lucy In Disguise sketches from the upcoming collection.

Can't wait to make my girl spend her hard earned money on shipping charges.


Anything for fashion dear......anything.

-skinny tie young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

COMO SE DICE: "YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A CHILD" IN ESPANOL. Chris Brown is 12 years old and obviously unable to handle being held accountable for punching Rihanna in the face like 3 hundred times. Career SUICIDE is way better than Nuclear Disaster and devastation in Japan. Right?! HOORAY FOR DISTRACTIONS!! Now can I go back to eating this glowing apple and drinking radioactive iced tea?

Chris "fuck the past" Brown exploded in rage behind the scenes at "Good Morning America" this morning ... smashing a window and storming out without a shirt ... sources tell TMZ ... and it was triggered by on-air questions about the Rihanna incident. MORE AT TMZ

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Drunk OLIVIA MUNN shows us how to stay relevant.. on TODAY

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

While the rest of the world was face-tweeting about the tragedy in Japan, (even though they really wanted to comment on Vanessa Hudgens 17yr old vagina pics), Olivia Munn got all Irish on live tv with my homegirl Hoda. Personally I am an Olivia Munn fan, um, like, she was really good in that movie about her showing her snatch on that Maxim Cover and stuff. Hoda works with Kathy Lee's looney ass so I'm sure this feels strangely familiar.

Hollywood starlets take note.. Drinking is cool, but getting drunk on live while 80% of your friends are still drinking from the night before is FUCKING RAD! The more this chick annoys the Tiger Blood out of my Charlie Sheen brain the cuter she gets. Right?!

back to world of warcraft.


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Someone else is WINNING!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

While Blake Lively, (who I have never mentioned in previous post BTW)... continues to expose YOUR "stylist" as merely the coked out gay homie, the rest of hollywood was celebrating Charlie Sheen week.

I love me some Charlie too but #C'MONSON!!!

Every Jersey Shore-Idol-Katsuya-SuperDouche on Facebook has had a hard-on all week for the chirpped-out Roll Model. I miss Lindsay Lohan. Remember her? She was like a less embarrassing hotter Britney Spears, but with 9 million less dumb fans..... and freckles.


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