Jake G shows fans what STAPLES CENTER is all about!! MY HERO!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

As I sat and witnessed the hometown Lakers celebrate another back-to-back championship season the other night, I thought to myself, "Self, didn't Jake Gyllenballs look like a total ass in Prince of Persia with that embarrassing accent and weak sword skills?"
No really I did.... but Jake ol' buddy ol' pal, YOU ARE NOW MY FAVORITE ACTOR OF ALL TIME!!! It takes a REAL MAN to get photo'd busting a "let me see what she is working with" in the middle of a LAKER game!! I commend you sir!! Actually, if I recall correctly I spent Easter Sunday getting my Jack and Coke on and chatting up Euro's in Hyde lounge whilst the Lake-Show took a royal ass whooping from the Spurs.... awww TRUE LA FANS UNITE!! KISS THE RING BITCHES!!


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SHOCKING VIDEO!! Chimp rapes a FROG while kids laugh!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

THIS IS BEYOND WRONG....But if I was a Chimp I would probably get my "Frog On" too!! What's next.... Dogs raping Snakes?! Alligators raping skunks? NFL Quarterbacks raping college students!? Oh wait that last one happened.... GO STEELERS!!


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YKTV's Interview with Tess Taylor from E!'s PRETTY WILD

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

YKTV: Well we all know the "TESS" from PW but when did you know that you wanted to be in entertainment?

Tess Taylor!: I knew I wanted to be in the entertainment industry from the age of 5. I grew up performing. Whether it was acting, dancing, singing, or modeling. When lights and cameras turn on, I turn on. I was born to entertain, and that is what I plan to do... ENTERTAIN.

YKTV: If you weren't an entertainer what would you be?

Tess Taylor!: If I wasn't an entertainer, I would have loved to be a make-up artist or a clothing designer. Hey! Maybe I still can be?

YKTV: I met you when you were coming up, but what about your journey to "reality star" don't a lot of people know?

Tess Taylor!: Its really hard work... Filming a reality tv show is life changing. My life has done a 360 this last year. it can also tear you away from friends and family... I've always wanted to be an actress, and now that I am in this reality world, its hard to branch out and not be "type cast". I'm doing my best to bring something new to the table. Keepin my fingers crossed that it goes as planned..."

Tess Taylor!: Any more?

YKTV: You mentioned family... We haven't heard your thoughts on your sis Alexis being sentenced to 190 days in the slammer for her role in the whole "Burglary Bunch" ordeal.... How has it affected the family and do you feel it was maybe a good thing?

Tess Taylor!: Shiiit erick!

Tess Taylor!:Well... I'm devastated about what has happened with Lexii. She does not deserve what she was given. But at the same time, our family was brought into the public eye to make a defference, and to teach people real life lessons. She has taken this opportunity and ran with it... She has grown into a different person and has become incredibly strong. She is going to come out of this with a big message. And I can't wait for everyone to finally hear her side.

Erick Michael Kernell Sanchez: In closing what would you like to tell fans of the show?

Tess Taylor: Yes, I love you all.... and STAY TUNED!!

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Another reason your Daughter HATES YOU!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

My guess is that Courtney "I had my husband killed" Love is using this as some sort of promotion for her.......facebook page? Not since Christina "Lady Bleh Bleh" Aguilera FAILED on the TODAY show last week have I been so embarrassed for a blonde broad. Wait, scratch that! I also threw up when I saw Heidi and Spencer broke up... and the broad I was embarrassed for is Spencer.



Courtney Love has posted some provocative photos of herself on her Facebook page, according to the Daily Mail.

In the pics, censored below, Courtney appears on her hands and knees being whipped by Amanda Lepore, grabbing her bare crotch Thriller-style and nearly nude and strung out in a deserted warehouse.

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Natalie Holloway suspect wanted for NEW MURDER?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Oops I did it again!!

Looks like confessed murder and all around douche bag, Joran van der Sloot, just can't stop killing people. Authorities in Lima, Peru are stopping "100% of cars" leaving the region after Stephany Flores Ramirez was found dead Wednesday morning. Her body was not only found in a hotel room registered to van der Sloot but according to the young lady's father, they were also seen on a casino camera together...... so basically, dude is fucked!!

Good job Aruba Police.... now you have 2 girls blood on your hands. YOU HAVE FAILED!!


UPDATE: The suspect, Joran van der Sloot, was escorted by three police officers as he was taken from a dark vehicle into a police office in downtown Santiago, Chile. He made no comment as he entered, walking calmly and without handcuffs as journalists shouted his name.

Van der Sloot was detained while traveling in a taxi, about halfway to the coast on Route 68, said Prefect Alfredo Espinosa, chief national spokesman for Chile's investigative police. The suspect did not resist and has been calm in detention, Espinosa said.

Good job Aruba Police.... now you have 2 girls blood on your hands. YOU HAVE FAILED!!

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Online video chat by Ustream

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Famous Geniuses You Didn't Know Were Perverts... WOW!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Since it seems like every movie star, athlete and politician is just a sex scandal waiting to happen, you could almost think that it's not possible to be a prominent person without also having an utterly depraved sex life behind the scenes.

And looking back at the great men of history... we're starting to wonder if that's right on the money.


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"Pocahontas" sends message to White House..ARRESTED!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

It looks like "Pokahonky" has changed her usual routine of selling out her people and letting John Smith TAP, to send a message to the Obama administration yesterday. STORY:

[HuffPost] Q'orianka (kohr-ee-AHN'-kuh) Kilcher, actress who played Pocahontas in the 2005 film "The New World", was arrested Tuesday outside the White House.

Kilcher allegedly tied herself to a White House fence while her Mom's, Saskia, poured a black substance over her.

The two women told officials they were protesting a visit by the president of Peru. Q'orianka Kilcher's father is a Peruvian Indian.




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Why Vegas isn't THAT cool!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Um..... Shauna Sands is looking rough these days. Why the hell am I having a relaxing Horror Movie MDW Marathon, when I could have had a alcohol fueled "whore-er" show MDW in Vegas?!

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