Rihanna is actually cooperating with the PIGS.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to US Magazine, Rihanna is fully cooperating with the Los Angeles D.A.'s office in their growing case against Chris Brown.

" The Los Angeles County District Attorney denies that Rihanna is no longer cooperating in the Chris Brown case.
"We deal with her attorney who says she is a cooperating victim," L.A. County D.A. spokesperson Sandi Gibbons tells
According to, the "Umbrella" singer "wants the whole thing" to go away and isn't helping the D.A. prepare his case against Brown for allegedly assaulting her Feb. 8 -- hours before both were scheduled to attend the Grammys.
Adds her lawyer, Donald Etra: "She will do everything that the law requires her to do...nothing has changed."


Damn, dude almost had her back.... until Oprah got in the middle and set Rihanna's ass straight! Oprah is no joke, first Obama and now Rihanna. Who's next...... Joe Mama?!!



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John Calipari bolts from Memphis to lead Kentucky.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to ESPN, former UMASS and current Memphis coach John Calipari has excepted an eight-year, $35 million offer.
Kentucky is a tough place to coach but John Calipari really couldn't pass this up, he now becomes the highest paid coach in the NCAA.

Good luck John, if you don't make the tournament next year.... consider yourself fired!!

- young

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ZACH IS BACK!!!! FINALLY HOMIE GEEZ..... where the fuck you been?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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OMG!! THIS SHIT IS CRAZY!! Women found dead in home...7 years later.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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Did you know?!! Do I really care.......... not really.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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BREAKING NEWS!! YoungKing introduces YKTV Mobile

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

DAMN!! If you want to party with YoungKing & friends join us @ ECCO ULTRA LOUNGE SATURDAY MARCH 28th

Just Say "Erick Sanchez" @ The Door

- young

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'I said make a right!'

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In an apparent case of "too old to drive", a local Beverly Hills resident crashed his car into the side of the a building on famed Robertson Blvd. earlier today. Reports that the sun's reflection on my earing may have caused the event have not been confirmed. The old dude was taken to Ceders, (which ironically is just around the corner), with minor injuries.

- young

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New Tabi Bonney - Rich Kids

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

rich kids from tabi Bonney on Vimeo.

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Bruce is no longer on the loose.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Bruce Willis has remarried, and his chick is smoking hot!! Good job Bruce, your ex-wife is married to a dude that "tweets" her ass all over the internet and in that same week you marry a model..... touche Mr. Willis, touche.

- young

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Matt Lauer is attacked.. By a DEER!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Today show host Matt Lauer is currently recovering from a dislocated shoulder suffered at the hands of a psycho deer. Lauer was on a bicycle ride when a deer jumped into his path, causing him to flip over the handle bars and get jacked up.
Police are still searching for the deer who apparently fled the scene after the accident. Lol

Get well soon Matt, I'm sure your hot wife will help ;)

- young

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LOL with a dash of OMG and a teaspoon of WTF.... Japanese style!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In my 29 years on this planet, I have seen some crazy things, from Zach and Kelly breaking up to Ted dying in that car accident and then replaced by his twin brother "Tad" on All My Children, but this I haven't seen before?!!

Japanese Spider Man is the TRUTH

yup 3 greats | "triple figga's"


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

We all had this book and slept with it at night because it was our only friend and the neighborhood kids would make fun of us because we shared a human-book love that couldn't be explained....... wait, maybe that was just me.

Um yeah, I am going to see this movie! Not just see it though, I am going to actually go to one of those "movie theater" places and pay money to watch this movie.

Nah... I'll prolly get impatient and watch the internet bootleg... either way it's On Like Donkey Kong!

What's next, the Giving Tree?


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WTF!! Random Hottness.......

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Thank You UK..... THANK YOU.

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Kanye's new beyatch is one classy broad.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Her home girl has "mad" body though son!! Giggidy!

- young

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Kid Cudi continues to embarrass himself...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

After a shocking announcement of retirement, Kanye West protégé Kid Cudi has retracted his statement, saying he will not leave the rap game.

The announcement came yesterday during Cudi’s set at the South By Southwest music festival.

"You remember when Spiderman didn't want to be Spiderman no more? Cause his personal life was so f***** up, but he was just, like, killing s*** as Spiderman...?" Cudi asked the crowd.

“I understand that I need y’all and y’all need me,” he added. “So I can’t stop.”


Hey remember when Batman didn't want to be Batman anymore? But like then like he didn't and stuff?


- young

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Finally .... Flying Cars are Here!!

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Twouble with Twitter....... hahaha. So true, I feel like a whore.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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The rapping flight attendant......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Your boy sounded like a member of the furious five or the sugar hill gang or something?
Great effort, very "old white people friendly ;)"

hip to the hippity hip-hop ya'll !!!

- you

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"Hey Tony, tell me how my ass taste?!"

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Aren't NBA players supposed to cheat on their broads, not the other way around? Paps caught Mario Lopez escorting Eva Longoria (Parker) to her 34th BDAY party....... but the are "just friends" remember? Back in the day when the "desperate housewife" was dating J.C. Chasez, she was known to handle a scandal here and there ::wink,wink::

I wonder if Tony Parker is annoyed or just neutral on the whole thing (because he is french and thats what they do).



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EXCLUSIVE - Chris Brown's Bodyguard Attacks A Fan!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
This shit is crazy... these bodyguards need to relax, like for reals! And Chris Breezy need stay in the house.

Read Full Story
- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I bet the next day he got yelled at by Liz Lemon, then Jack walks in and puts Liz in charge of a random task while chaos ensues in the TGS offices due to Kenneth's naive and often and semi-gay sense of reality........ insert laughter...

- young

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Onion News: The New Mac "Wheel"

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What is it that you do again?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I want to see a rock.paper.scissors. match between this chick and Jessica Simpson. BATTLE OF THE CUT-OFFS!!
[the superficial]

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MR. & MS. DOUCHE.......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Doug Reinhardt?!! WHO THE FUCK IS Doug Reinhardt?! And why is he holding that dudes hand?! Creepy!!

UPDATE: Who cares!

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LEFTY being LEFTY.......

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Professional golfer and husband to hot wife Amy, Phil Michelson, has been treated for heat exhaustion and mild dehydration before playing the final round of the CA Championship in Doral, Florida. Phil currently owns a 1 shot lead over Nick Watney in the World Golf Championship event.

Just like "Lefty", without Tiger Woods there he had to find a way to chump it up. Hands down the most overrated golfer ever!! Drink some water and win for once..... now is probably the only chance you have to win a tourney for the rest of your career........Tiger is back!!


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Iron Chef Cat Cora And Wife Both Pregnant.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

"Iron Chef America" star Cat Cora (l) and her wife Jennifer Cora (r) are both pregnant, she announced. Both are expecting boys, which will double their brood. They are already parents to older boys, Caje, 22 months and Zoran, 5, from the same donor as the two who are coming.

That's like a double baby mama!! Congrats ladies.


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50 Cent takes Rick Ross beef waaaaayy to far!! And we love it LMFAO

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Find more videos like this on : IF IT'S HOT IT'S HERE!

50 !! you sir are "The Truth". I mean, Rick Ross is cool and everything but c'mon.... This dude is going at Ross hard! Hard: like Irv Gotti gets when Ja Rule sings in his ear. lol

Here are some more clips of this hilarious beef:

TIA TOLD ME - Rick Ross Diss


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Funny infomercial ........ This is REAL!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

- young

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Become HipHop Overnight! (An Offer You Can't Refuse)

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

LMFAO (and no....not like that wack ass hip hop group!!)

- young

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I am not mad at you Brody!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Not that I think that Playboy Playmate Jayde Nicole is super duper hot or anything but seeing as his ex, Cora Skinner, is out every night with Diana Ross' dorky ass son, this is a full on "step-up!". Besides the only thing Cora has ever done was the short lived Lingerie Bowl........ nuff said.


- young

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In case you missed it...... Jessica Biel on SNL w/ Justin

Jack Stephan Filed Under:


- young

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Ashley Simpson to join the cast of Melrose Place..... Do you care?!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In the CW's latest attempt to make money off of some "old shit", the network plans to revive the 90210 spin-off, Melrose Place.
According to EW, Ashley Simpson has signed on to play "Violet.. a small town girl whose disarming naiveté masks the calculating, shrewd sex kitten within.”

Do we care ......?????

Ashley is the homegirl but melrose place?? But then again I do TIVO 90210 and Privilaged so what the fuck do i know, it may be my new favorite show!!

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Beckham's attempt to bail on L.A. is foiled by Galaxy

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I have to say that I was actually a believer when David Beckham came to the states to play soccer/futbol..... but that lasted a good 10 minutes when ESPN televised his first game even though he was injured and didn't play!! BAD MOVE. Now after being rented to AC Milan for half the season (and attempting to stay there) David Beckham will be back in a Galaxy uniform this summer......... I know, I know, who the hell cares?!

Oh and sure it didn't help that his toothpick for a wife failed miserably at developing her clothing line.... OUCH!!


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Man will attempt to sail recycled plastic bottles from California to Australia...and not die!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- Imagine collecting thousands of empty plastic bottles, lashing them together to make a boat and sailing the thing from California to Australia, a journey of 11,000 miles through treacherous seas.

You'd have to be crazy, or trying to make a point. David de Rothschild is trying to make a point.

De Rothschild hopes his one-of-a-kind vessel, now being built on a San Francisco pier, will boost recycling of plastic bottles, which he says are a symbol of global waste. Except for the masts, which are metal, everything on the 60-foot catamaran is made from recycled plastic.


What's the over/under on this dudes plastic boat melting on the high seas?! Although this is a commendable act of "greenery", this guys is insane and I wish him the best........... this shit is just random.


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I usually fall asleep in movies but I might be able to stay awake for this one!! This movie looks off the chang-a-lang!!

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Random Hot Actress That I Never Heard Of Before......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

So legend has it, Jessica Szohr, is a working actress on a television show called "Gossip Girl"?! I personally have never heard of such a show due to the fact that I don't watch channel 5 unless it's Jerry Springer or Maury "You are NOT the father" Povich. That being said (or written), this chick is way cute and hopefully working on bigger projects........ not that a bunch of rich adolescents running around New York City getting sleazy with each other isn't a good gig....... [ok so i maybe watched Gossip Girl once when my little sister was visiting......I swear it was only once.]

Here are some more pics of Jessica Szohr:

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Cool Music Video from UK's Truckers of Husk.....

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UFC 2 Million.........

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In a matter of minutes UFC 96 has reminded me that watching grown men beat the shit out of each other is extremely entertaining. This one guy got punched so hard in the mouth that his mom's nose started bleeding back home in Iowa..... crazy.
Anyway in tonight's main event, Quinton "High Speed Pursuit" Jackson takes on Keith "Scary Looking White Dude" Jardin in 3 rounds of face smashing and ass grabbing!

watch live: UFC 96 LIVE CLICK HERE

About to start ...... update soon....


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to ESPN's Jayson Stark, the Los Angeles Dodgers and outfielder/slugger Manny Ramirez have agreed in principal to a 2 year $45 million dollar deal.

Get your fake dreads out boys and girls it's about to get sleazy at Chavez Ravine!! Look for more Dodger updates on this Spring!!

Good to have you back Manny..... now hit some home runs!!


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What I am eating right now!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

When I was a younger man my mom used to take me to a late night chinese food spot that was off the chain!!! Well 15 years later guess who's back!!! Won Kok is the shit son!!


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Kanye...... you look like a fucking idiot!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

We have all sat back and watched quietly as you, continually put your foot all up in your mouth, compared yourself to legends, made garbage wannabe Wayne auto-tune songs and cry when you loose and award that you never deserved to be nominated for...... but Kanye, seriously with the jean jacket. THAT SHIT HAS NEVER BEEN COOL............EVER, EVER, EVER!!

I have bit my tongue for a long time now Kanyeeezy.... but enough is enough. STOP THE NONSENSE. YOU ARENT SOME STYLE ICON. NOW YOU GOT JAY-Z DRESSING LIKE A CLOWN TOO. I SAW J IN LONDON ROCKING MR. MAGOO GLASSES???



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Britney is WACK...... oops I mean BACK!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Sorry ladies but your girl Britney is not a good look. I would like to propose an indefinite moratorium on pictures of Britney when she isn't done up!! Seriously, its like a mind-fuck!

That being said, I would like to increase the number of Megan Fox "not done up" pictures..... immediately!!

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

You know when Miley was 14 I was like,"she's aight"......... but now that she is 16 I'm all of a sudden like,"giggiddy giggidy".

Why cant my jogging experience look like this?! All I see at Runyon Canyon are cracked out models and washed up Dane Cook's.

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