Chris Brown "beats" me to the PUNCH.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

After Rihanna came in to a friends work and "acted like a stuck up bitch" I wanted to punch her in the face........ but I would never hit a girl. Thats apparently where Chris Brown and I have a difference of opinion.

This story is still developing but according to internet and news reports, after leaving a pre-grammy party on saturday night, Chris Brown allegedly got into a physical altercation with his GF Rihanna. This is straight crazy!! CB and Ri Ri got into it in my beloved Hancock Park, but why were they in Hancock Park?? Their hotel was miles away and that is an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood so there are no after-parties there....ever!!

After shielding Ri Ri from the rain with his fist, Brown did a "full honey dip" and fled the scene........WOW! Shout to Rihanna, I hope your cute little face is ok and that your boy Chris was waisted or something. I doubt that we will ever know what excactly happened due to the fact that only Chris and Rihanna were there but I am sure the police will leak more details later this week (that's what LAPD is: TMZ with badges- fuck the police by the way!!). Brown has turned himself in and was released on 50k bail.

Stay tuned......


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