YoungKing - "Because I CAN" - World Premiere

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Because I CAN - YoungKing


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New - Akon - Beautiful (feat. Colby Oʼ Donis & Kardinal Offishall)

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

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50 Cent as "Pimpin' Curly" watch the new episode!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

50 is a straight clown!!
Shout to


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The chairman of the New York Post, Rupert Murdoch, personally apologized Tuesday for an editorial cartoon published by the newspaper that drew charges of racism. "I can assure you -- without a doubt -- that the only intent of that cartoon was to mock a badly written piece of legislation.

"It was not meant to be racist, but unfortunately, it was interpreted by many as such. We all hold the readers of the New York Post in high regard, and I promise you that we will seek to be more attuned to the sensitivities of our community."


Give me a break......this is the same dude who when asked, admitted that News Corp. attempted to shape the agenda of the war in Iraq. [read here]

Absolute Power breeds Corruption
Rupert has and always will be a racist and an elitist............. period.

I don't except your apology!


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Barack's first speech to Congress.......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Obama is set to deliver his first speech to congress in moments. In his speech, President Obama will tell the country, "day of reckoning has arrived, and the time to take charge of our future is here," ..... CLICK HERE TO WATCH LIVE@CNN.COM


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Isn't Oscar a Sandwich?

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Kate Winslett rambled. Sean Penn rambled and gave a shout-out to "communist homo lovers" (or something like that), and Mickey Rourke. Slumdog Millionaire rambled.

If you have a chance to see Slumdog do it. good movie. Proves that movies make movies.

Marissa Tome in the wrestler... amazing.

[new remix soon.....]

- young

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Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Jose Canseco at new BFF Wilmer Valderama's usual table @ Les Deux.
Dude is still hit the "juice box" fasho!
I would have more to report but I don't sit and stare at what other people do all night.... I'm to busy getting into a scandal myself ;)

- it's YOUNG!!

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"Show me your CHONACAS!!" TONIGHT!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In her ongoing attempt to take over the world with her mesmerizing green eyes, Actress, Maxim Model, Producer, G-Unit Soldier and Detroit native, Katie Chonacas, will attempt a feat that has never been attempted before.... Invite people to a club to see her new music video!!!

Actually I am sure others have attempted this but this time your man YoungKing is gonna be in the you know it's gonna be off the chain. AND SHE IS GREEK!! Hence the "Chonacas". Whether dancing at COCO (STK) or NOT getting a free dinner at BESO ;) Katie is Hollywood through and through.

Katie "Coco" Chonacas will be unveiling her New video for,"So N2 U"

638 N Las Palmas Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90028

See you there

- young

Check the out homegirl out chilling with "The Unit" on their World Tour:

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WTF are you thinking Hayden??!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to the "internet" Hayden Christensen is engaged to .....wait for it...... wait for it............. Rachel Bilson?!
Yeah you read that right, this ass-clown just proposed to a former cast member of The OC! Talk about a step down..... then again if it wasn't for all those gay ass Star Wars prequels we wouldn't even know who this guy was.

Adam Brody just gave Sean Avery the "sloppy seconds" high-five!!


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Kid Cudi (aka The wackest rapper out) is arrested........

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

According to the "rapper" was tasered and subsequently arrested at a Reebok party in Arizona this weekend. He supposedly wanted to rock Jordan's on stage and got heated when Reebok employees objected.



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Jack Stephan Filed Under:
STAY TUNED............


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Crazy Gypsy attacks London...........!!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Oh wait, my bad, that's just a fucked up looking Courtney Love......YIKES!!

Someone tell this chick to get a stylist ASAP, she looks like an out of work 1930's hooker..... "flapper dress" and all.


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John Madden's "BRO-MANCE" IS OVER!! Favre retires for 150th time!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

See you in training camp when you realize that you still got it!! And by "it" I mean 3 interceptions a game.



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Speaking of "Sloppy Seconds"......... former Danity Kane member get's Playboy cover!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

I just threw up in my own mouth a little bit. Playboy has decided to continue the trend of letting random, talentless, washed up broads grace it's covers. The latest addition to the club is none other than (once cute but now just BEAT).. Aubrey O' Day.

Doesn't she just seem like she reeks of dick?! sorry. it's the truth.


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Sports Illustrated doesn't pass the Bar....... Leo gets his way!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Well it seems that Leonardo DiCaprio's main squeeze has finally learned to keep her mouth shut long enough to obtain the coveted 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover. If you remember correctly, last year Bar Refaeli lost the cover to Marisa Miller because she couldn't keep the fact that SHE was the 08' cover girl a secret.

Well congratulations random hot chick from Isreal, you have worked so long and hard for this great honor and deserve all the praise that comes with your new found fame...... nah!!
Is it me or is she not that hot?! Maybe I'm just a hater but seriously...... she's aiiiight?


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At least 181 people dead; nearly 1000 homes destroyed in Aussie bushfires!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

(CNN) -- Investigators in Australia believe some of the deadly wildfires ravaging dry southeastern bushland may have been set, a conclusion prompting Australia's prime minister to call such acts "mass murder." Wildfires are an annual event in Australia, but the unprecedented carnage wrought by the fast-moving infernos, called the worst ever by police, have shaken and surprised the nation. This year, a combination of factors has made them especially intense: a drought, dry bush and one of the most powerful heat waves in memory. And, finally, officials think some of the fires might have been deliberately lit. The blazes have so far spared major urban areas but have swept across nearly 200,000 hectares (500,000 acres) of bushland in Victoria, leading some firefighters and police to describe the destruction "as something of a holocaust," said state police inspector Phil Shepherd, who reported that two towns -- Marysville and Kinglake -- have been "completely wiped out."


[YKTV] According to those who barely escaped the carnage, many people lost their lives while trying to protect themselves from the wildfire which appeared out of nowhere. Some attempted to jump in pools to escape being burned only to be boiled alive by the intense heat. Others attempted to flee in cars but ultimately met their death when theirs tires melted and gas evaporated leaving them trapped.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! Soooo sad.


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Dallas' "sloppy seconds" Avery has a new team......

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[ news services]
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Controversial left wing Sean Avery is resuming his hockey career with the New York Rangers' affiliate in Hartford, hoping to return to the NHL. The Dallas Stars assigned Avery to the American Hockey League team Tuesday and he practiced with the Hartford Wolf Pack in the morning.


Like I said before, this guy is the only reason to watch hockey!! The sport is nearly ghost from Network TV, and ESPN only reports on it because they have to...... the NHL is a joke and needs any publicity it can get; good or bad.

See you on the ice Sean!!


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Chris Brown's career is officially over! Whether or not you like Rihanna music we can all agree that she 1) smoking hot, 2) did not deserve what cops are calling "horrific" injuries...... you done fucked up CB.

Check out what TMZ is reporting:

[TMZ] Law enforcement sources have now gotten specific with us... police took pictures of Rihanna's injuries and they are "horrific."

As we reported, the photos show major contusions on both sides of the singer's face -- there is serious swelling and bruising. Her lip is split and her nose bloody. We have now confirmed there are bite marks on one of her arms and on several fingers.

And we now know this... Rihanna claims Brown struck her with his fists and that's what did the damage. There was no object used in the alleged attack.

Rihanna refused treatment at the scene, but before she left cops took photos. We're told the photos alone are "devastating proof of abuse."

And we've learned it was not Rihanna who called 911. Someone in the area heard her screams and called.

-TMZ Staff


Thats a bad look indeed, word is Rihanna's parents want her to get her ass back home ASAP and are worried sick. A few months back there was a story on the net regarding Chris getting jealous during one of Rihanna's rehearsals w/ T.I. Apperently Tip had to put young Brown in his place........... so there may be a history of problems here.

more updates to come!!


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Chris Brown "beats" me to the PUNCH.....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

After Rihanna came in to a friends work and "acted like a stuck up bitch" I wanted to punch her in the face........ but I would never hit a girl. Thats apparently where Chris Brown and I have a difference of opinion.

This story is still developing but according to internet and news reports, after leaving a pre-grammy party on saturday night, Chris Brown allegedly got into a physical altercation with his GF Rihanna. This is straight crazy!! CB and Ri Ri got into it in my beloved Hancock Park, but why were they in Hancock Park?? Their hotel was miles away and that is an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood so there are no after-parties there....ever!!

After shielding Ri Ri from the rain with his fist, Brown did a "full honey dip" and fled the scene........WOW! Shout to Rihanna, I hope your cute little face is ok and that your boy Chris was waisted or something. I doubt that we will ever know what excactly happened due to the fact that only Chris and Rihanna were there but I am sure the police will leak more details later this week (that's what LAPD is: TMZ with badges- fuck the police by the way!!). Brown has turned himself in and was released on 50k bail.

Stay tuned......


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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

While stalking blondes on facebook recently I came across this picture of my "friend" Elyse and her BFF. Notice the wine glass and outfits, absolutely amazing!!

And I get shit for wearing one glove, Michael Jackson style, on set?!! These broads are rocking cocktail dresses in the wilderness surrounded by tents and trailers......That is my kind of camping trip. I can't wait until you girls come to L.A...... Can't wait!!


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My office for the day...

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Awww the power of production!! In 14 hours this big "green screen" will magically turn into a 30 second commercial. Oops my bad.... 15 hours later ( apparently we are behind :()

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RICK ROSS shouldn't have fucked with 50....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

WOW!! You have to see this shit? It wasn't enough that "Officer Ricky" has already been exposed as a former correctional officer but now he has officially dug his own grave! This dumb ass ni**a went and pissed off 50, and we all know that 50 don't play!

I guess Ross had a few choice words in a song called Mafia Music. In the song Ross' speaks on 50's baby mama and the house burning incident......WRONG MOVE RICKY!!

ASK FAT JOE, CAM'RON and JA RULE what happens to those who mess with the GGGGGGG- G-Unit Boss!!



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Mike Phelps gets a GOLD for longest pull....

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Bong Pull that is!!

First this dude shows up to Christmas dinner with a stripper from Vegas and now he is caught taking rips at a frat party by News of the World?!

See that's what I'm talking about, what happened to "real" athletes that date strippers and get loose like bruce?! Kobe only became cool when he "raped" that chick in Denver, Charles Barkley tells a cop that he was speeding because he wanted to get some "head", and Pacman (call me Adam) Jones is trying to put hits out on snitches...... Now this is entertainment.

You got the hardware Michael, now it's time to party..... You deserve it! Just don't get caught doing a bump ;)


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