The week that was and wasn't

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
Friday: Worked a cheerios commercial like 2 blocks away from the crib. It's crazy how structured and efficient these corporate commercials run compared to reality shows and music videos...... probably why I never do reality shows or music videos.
Would love to do a feature though....thats next ;)

Saturday: WOW. well after getting nights sleep I was back at it..... 4am call time for a commercial that I still don't know what was about or who it was for? Breakfast burrito was off the chain of course.

After work I had to really work, I had to promote for AKON at Les Deux!! That shit was straight bananas!! Some Saudi Prince has reached deep into his pockets and dropped a shit load to buy out the whole damn patio.... hmmm let's add it up! 8 tables 4bottle min. ........ that equals One Trillion Million Dollars!!! Thank god that the economy loves them some Saudi!!
Had to be at work again on Sunday @ 4am so I decided to take an hour and a half nap before Akon then after the club get another half of sleep before work. ouch!! But I survived so fuck it.

here's pics of Akon:

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