FOX & GOP throw Palin Under the Bus!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

What took so long?

It seems like instead of admitting to the fact that they ran a unfocused and frankly embarrassing campaign, the great Republican Party has chosen to eat it's young. What do you expect?! Class? Dignity? Humility? Oh hell no..... this is her fault!!
Well who is the dumb-ass who hired her? Let's slap that dude first, then take responsibility for a horrible effort (McCain-Palin),
and then we can pick on the idiot that you hired to be 2nd in command........ even though she apparently didn't know basic geography.

McCain staff listen: If you just stuck to the tried and true American formula of 2 old white guys you soooo would have won the election! I mean seriously ..... duh!!

She is awful. Now she can go back to Alaska , (which my great uncle was the "Mayor" of) and shoot wolves for their wrists and take care of her 11 kids.


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