Jake G shows fans what STAPLES CENTER is all about!! MY HERO!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

As I sat and witnessed the hometown Lakers celebrate another back-to-back championship season the other night, I thought to myself, "Self, didn't Jake Gyllenballs look like a total ass in Prince of Persia with that embarrassing accent and weak sword skills?"
No really I did.... but Jake ol' buddy ol' pal, YOU ARE NOW MY FAVORITE ACTOR OF ALL TIME!!! It takes a REAL MAN to get photo'd busting a "let me see what she is working with" in the middle of a LAKER game!! I commend you sir!! Actually, if I recall correctly I spent Easter Sunday getting my Jack and Coke on and chatting up Euro's in Hyde lounge whilst the Lake-Show took a royal ass whooping from the Spurs.... awww TRUE LA FANS UNITE!! KISS THE RING BITCHES!!


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