House N*ggas Unite and claim "Racism is Over!!"...WOW!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

At the end of the day I wish that this was true but unfortunately it's not. Racism still exist... ask Lindsay Lohan!! I mean geez.. she was obviously racially profiled and labeled as a meth and coke user because she was white and living in hollywood. NOT FAIR!!


Black TEA PARTY Members Hold A Press Conference . . . They Claim That Racism Has ENDED IN AMERICA . . . And That REVERSE DISCRIMINATION Is A Bigger Problem!!

STATE: When the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People introduced a resolution calling on the Tea Party movement to "condemn extremist elements," I wondered what possible good it would do. How might it help liberals who felt frustrated, increasingly, that their attacks on "racism" in the new conservative movement were never taken seriously?

The resolution didn't do much for the NAACP, but it did plenty for liberals. Three weeks later, after the Shirley Sherrod mess, and after the implosion of Mark Williams, spokesman for the Sacramento-based Tea Party Express, conservatives are still bristling at the charge of Tea Party "racism." On Wednesday morning, Williams' old organization organized a two-and-a-half-hour event at the National Press Club in order to rebut the charge the best way it knew how—with a chorus line of black conservatives attacking anyone who dared call the Tea Party racist.... STATE:">READ MORE HERE

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Katie Couric CLOWNS Sarah Palin..."You can't make this stuff up."

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Katie Couric has fallen victim to leaked footage again.

This time, Couric is seen rehearsing for the "CBS Evening News" during the 2008 Republican National Convention and mocking the names of Sarah Palin's children.

"Where the hell do they get these names?" Couric says after mentioning Palin's youngest son, Trig, and her oldest, Track.


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Cracked out Ex-Mallrat wants his twin brother dead!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Jeremy London is a fucking idiot. First this dude claims to be abducted and forced to smoke drugs at gun point...LAME. I mean really, abducted and forced to do drugs...REALLY?! Heidi Montag's chin, cheeks, ass, face, arms and nose think that story is fake as shit. Well now this genius is texting friends from Celebrity Rehab (of course) that he is only doing the show for the "$$$" and wishes his twin brother Jason "would die". WOW.

Um, look Jeremy, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that you and that horse you married are smoking crack on the regular. I could have gone the rest of my life not even remembering that you were in Mallrats and just assuming that it was your brother. So shut the hell up and go back to whatever downtown heroin loft you were crashing at while your Mom takes care of your emotionally ruined kid.

Thanks buddy.


Jeremy London is in the middle of filming Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew but has discovered he’s just there for the money and wishes his twin brother, Jason, dead.

“I’m doing it for $$ and clearing my name,” Jeremy texted Thursday night to a family friend of his. Jeremy’s friend responds by saying, “Whew...ok. Well I was just really worried about u so I am glad u are ok. Are u going to see your mom and Jason on the show?”

“HELL NO!! They’re dead to me,” Jeremy responds. “F**k him. I hope he dies.”



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