Jack Stephan Filed Under:

UPDATE!!! [TMZ]: Joe tells us he was hanging out with the General Manager for Guys and Dolls when Jayde Nicole pushed him from behind and poured a drink on him.
Joe says he turned around and pulled her hair in reaction to the attack. Francis says this is the only contact he made with Jayde or Brody the entire time ... and security footage from inside the club shows exactly this.
Joe says Brody had punched him and ripped his shirt off. He says the club's GM then escorted him outside to the parking lot and he lit up a cigarette.
Joe says the next thing he knew, he was on the ground. He was later told Brody had blindsided him.
That's when Francis says the club's security tasered Brody.


TMZ REPORTS: Jenner just spoke with us by phone. According to Jenner, he and his girlfriend, Jayde Nicole, were at the club celebrating his birthday, when Jayde saw Francis hitting on an ex-girlfriend of his (Francis'), Jenner says "unrelentingly." Jayde felt he was harassing the woman -- whom Jayde and Brody know -- and she threw a drink on Francis.

Jenner says Francis then pulled Jayde's hair, punched her in the face and threw her to the ground and began kicking her. Security broke it up and Francis got dragged away -- Brody followed.

Jenner says he started yelling at Francis and both men were ejected from the club.

Outside the club, Jenner says he tried to get back in to see Jayde but security wouldn't let him. Jenner then saw Joe, punched him in the face, and then someone tased him and he fell to the ground.

Francis left the scene (shown below). The cops -- who say a call came in at 2:46 AM for battery -- came but no one was arrested.

Read More!!


Dude I know that she poured a drink on you (which is bullshit and not cool) but guy, control your yourself!! You are sooooo fucked right now. I see more anal in your future.

- young

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YKTV Boxing: Roy Jones Jr. VS Jeff Lacy

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Wolfman trailer starring Benicio Del Toro

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- young

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Douche murderer takes the easy way out. SO LAME.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:
LOS ANGELES -- Ryan Jenkins, the man wanted for the murder of a former bikini model, was found dead, according to Canadian authorities.

The body of Ryan Jenkins, who was accused of murdering Jasmine Fiore, mutilating her body and stuffing it in a suitcase, was found dead by Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sunday.

Sgt. Duncan Pound of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police says it's believed that 32 year old Ryan Jenkins took his own life in the hotel room in Hope, British Columbia where his body was found.

Jenkins reportedly appears to have hung himself.

Jenkins' body was discovered by hotel staff who alerted the RCMP. Investigators positively confirmed the body to be Jenkins', Canadian police announced Sunday evening....Read On!!


This whole situation sucks. All the pics of them before he killed her looked mellow, I don't understand any of it. This clown got off easy and doesn't deserve the keystrokes...... psycho.

- young

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And you thought your Mom was crazy?! OCTOMOM is off the chain!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Yo Check this shit out!!
[] Nadya Suleman's two-hour documentary Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage aired on FOX last night and showed the day-to-day life our of nation's very own psychotic incubator. While the show was rife with reasons why Nadya shouldn't be allowed to parent anything more aware than a potato, she also took time to fire off criticisms of TV mom Kate Gosselin, according to Celebuzz:

Clucking at the pictures of Gosselin parading around in a bikini on the beach from earlier this year, Suleman opined, "It's so staged. She's doing it to get people to take pictures of her... I feel like it's cheating [to get a tummy-tuck]. It's her choice. If she has enough money to fix herself, let her."
Then Suleman tossed out another dis, declaring, "I have a better shape, though. I'm sorry, no offense to her.".....

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Is that Steffi Graf? Oh Snaps it's Gisele!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Damn Girl!! I know you're pregnant and all but don't scare me like this. At least take off your clothes so we can recognize you. For someone who is so flawless naked you really take a few steps down WITH gear on. Advantage LEO.

- young

UPDATE: I'd still hit it ;)

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Paxico gets 2 yrs. for being retarded!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

If we all remember correctly, Mr. Burress was arrested after accidentally shooting himself in the thigh in a NYC dance club. The pistol was in the waistband of Paxico's sweat pants when it slipped out and fired when he attempted to grab the gun as it slid down his leg. My apologies to the mentally disabled and challenged, even they wouldn't be that retarded!!

Anyhow, dude was sentenced to 2 years in the Big House for his indiscretions. A few years ago he was catching the winning touchdown in the super bowl.

Personally I am appalled by such a light sentence, He should have got 10 years for wearing sweat pants to the club.... That's just embarrassing!

- young

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New Jay-Z ft. Rihanna & Kanye [VIDEO] Run This Town

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Pretty Cool.

- young

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Former Duke PG Paulus named Orange's starting QB

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

In a move that has shocked the collegiate football world, Syracuse Head Football Coach Doug Marrone has named former Duke point gaurd Greg Paulus his starting quarterback. Paulus, who hasn't played QB since high school, has supplanted last years starter Cam Dantley as well as the odds on favorite in spring Ryan Nassib. Either these other dudes really suck or Greg Paulus is "The Truth" because he hasn't played organized football in 4 years and has only had 2 weeks of practice.

Should be an interesting season for the 'Cuse who went 3 -9 last season.

- young

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90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine!!

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

[CNN] "When I was a young kid, my mom told me the dirtiest thing in the world is money," said the researcher, Yuegang Zuo, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. "Mom is always right."

Scientists say the amount of cocaine found on bills is not enough to cause health risks.

Money can be contaminated with cocaine during drug deals or if a user snorts with a bill. But not all bills are involved in drug use; they can get contaminated inside currency-counting machines at the bank..... READ MORE




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Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Michael Jackson tribute evokes Jesus. from YoungKingTV on Vimeo.

In all honesty, the weirdest part of this video is what you don't see. I was introduced to this dude by JESUS! Like it was his homie or something. Still LMAO

- young

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Tony Danza & Scott Baio chat w/ DJ WHOO KID. LMFAO

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Tony Danza is the truth son!! Dude wrote Tupac and Tupac actually wrote back, that is one of the coolest facts I have ever heard. Tony Danza needs a new show, just this time don't flip a go-kart homie. That will kill your street-cred everytime!! Oh, and no more rapping........ please!!

- young

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Obama who? Clinton is the new 'Black'.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

So we all thought that our current president Barack Obama was the coolest Prez in town right? We were so wrong! Bill Clinton, in typical Bill Clinton fashion, pulled the sleaziest move earlier this week to reclaim his spot as the coolest president EVER! Dude rescued two female journalist from the what seemed to be a dire situation in South Korea and flew them home on a private jet. But did he take them to Washington? Nope? Our boy William did what any ex-prez would do.... He borrowed a movie producers plane and flew straight to Burbank!! Como se dice PIMP?!

Do work Bill!
Oh yeah, Al Gore helped too.


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YKTV CRIME VIDEO: Rapper Brisco get's jacked in Barbershop

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This is crazy shit... straight up. Brisco just left a photoshoot and then goes to get his hair cut? Is it me or was his timing a bit off. Anyway if you've ever heard a Brisco song you would think that he knew better than to be in a barbershop on the solo and not be strapped. N*ggas are wild in these streets mane! Make like every other rapper, and get a bodyguard before they take your life next time!!

And how classic is that cop saying, "This robbery was off the chain." LMAO

- young

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Oops she's at it AGAIN! Britney is back.... In Da Club.

Jack Stephan Filed Under:

Even though her recording career and public persona are a literal joke, it seems that nothing can stop Britney from doing what she loves. After spending 9 hours getting her "hair-did" yesterday, Ms. Spears hit the town to show off her new mane.

Is it me or is this picture a sign of things to come.... no pun intended... giggiddy!!

- young

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